You need to pass null to onPressed parameter of Buttons in Flutter to disable. ElevatedButton( onPressed: null, child: Text("Elevated Button") ) How to Programmatically Enable or Disable Buttons in Flutter import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp...
TextField validation on the fly In this example, we show a custom error hint and disable the submit button if the text is empty or too short. If you wanted to implement this functionality in Flutter, how would you do it?People on StackOverflow seem to have many opinions about it, and ...
在Flutter 中,TextField 是一个用来输入 文本的 控件。使用起来也很简单,比如这样,就可以轻松实现一个 TextField 来接收用户的输入内容。 1234567 TextField(decoration:constInputDecoration(border:OutlineInputBorder(),labelText:'Contact Name',),) 但是Flutter 是声明式 UI 编程,我们无法像 Android 里那样拿到 T...
i known InputDecoration.collapsed can remove the space, but it can't use prefix and suffix. zoechiaddedc: new featureNothing broken; request for a new capabilityframeworkflutter/packages/flutter repository. See also f: labels.f: material designflutter/packages/flutter/material repository.labelsFeb ...
In this post, we are going to show you different ways to clear flutter build cache. Your project has a very larger project size with build-cache, therefore it is better to clear cache while transferring, or you can also clear cache if the latest configur
Need to know the dx and dy of the current cursor position in the TextField. This is required to implement the mentions/tag functionality, wherein a popup needs to be shown a few pixel below the cursor of the TextField. anirudhagarwal365 added the created via support template label Dec 9...
Building your Flutter chat app with Firebase Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s build our Flutter chat app. To keep things as simple as possible, this tutorial uses Flutter’s default inherited widgets for state management and combines the logic for each view in the same.dartfile. ...
You can set a font size in the TextStyle: TextStyle( fontSize = 14.sp, ) 1 2 3 TextStyle( fontSize = 14.sp, ) Much more important than the font size, however, is the scaling. Users can change the font scale in the system settings. The app should respect it. According to the...
- (void)matchmakingClient:(MatchmakingClient *)client didConnectToServer:(NSString *)peerID { NSString *name = [self.nameTextField.text stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]]; if ([name length] == 0) name = _matchmakingClient.session.displayName; [self....
I have a textfield and I want to know if the user presses the delete button on his keyboard (on screen not raw or external). I tried using onChanged property and it works fine when there's already some text in it. But when the textfield's empty with no text, how do I detect if...