Log into your NVIDIA account. Click the Settings icon (gear) on top right. In the GENERAL tab, move the switch setting to off IN-GAME OVERLAY and exit. Update- turned NV overlay off, no more nag. About Battlefield 2042 General Discussion...
Hey, i just started with ea beta and when i had Origin there was a tab you could press ingame to start brodcasting your gameplay with sims4. How does it work now? discussion Like 1 Reply EA_Jason4 years ago Hi @Linnm92, In Origin you can use the in-game overlay to stream to Tw...
These visuals can help you monitor your in-game actions and understand how your inputs are processed byEA SPORTS FC™ Game Data Centersand your network during online play. From the Main menu or when you pause the game, go toSettings. SelectSettings, thenGame Settings, then navigate to the...
Select In-Game from the options on the left. Click on the In-game FPS counter drop-down menu and choose where you want the counter to appear on your screen. Check the High contrast color check-box to clearly see the counter. Press OK to save your settings. To disable the counter, fol...
Disable Origin in-game overlay Turn off cloud storage 1. Switch to DirectX 11 On your keyboard, press theWindows logo key and Eat the same time to open File Explorer. ClickDocumentson the left pane. Then, double-click the Battlefield V folder. ...
1: Rollback to the previous GPU drivers (Nvidia users go back to 417.71) (do try out this step if you have an AMD GPU). 2: Disable Origin In-Game Overlay. 3: Make sure neither Steam nor Discord is running in the background. 4: Disable G-Sync. 5: Try running Apex Legends in ...
Now, you’ll be able todisable the Origin In-Game Overlayby simply moving the slider. Well, from now on, when you try to press“Shift + F1”while in-game, the Origin overlay will not show up on your screen. SEE ALSO:How to Increase Download Speed of Games in Origin ...
Try turning them off or closing them entirely before booting up the game. If you’re using Origin, we have a guide on how to enable the FPS overlay. To turn off the overlay, follow the guide but uncheck the box in Origin instead of checking it. If you’re still having issues, EA...
Fix 2. Disable mouse acceleration Fix 3. Update drivers Fix 4. Turn off the In-game overlay Protect your online privacy with a VPN client Data recovery tools can prevent permanent file loss References Fix it now! To repair damaged system, you will have a 24hr Free Trial and the...
To disable Discord overlay, open User settings > go to the Game Overlay tab > turn off the “Enable In-game overlay” options. If you have installed GeForce Experience with the Nvidia Driver, its in-game overlay is enabled by default. Open GeForce experience > click on the Gear icon next...