[Phone] How to enable or disable Alarm report for Alarms? Alarm report can report time and label after dismissing alarm. 1. Open your phone's Clock app.2. Tap the alarm you want to configure.3. Tap Alarm report to enable/disable the Alarm report ....
1. Open your phone'sClockapp. 2. Tap the alarm you want to configure. 3. TapAlarm reportto enable/disable the Alarm report . Above information might be partly or entirely quoted from exterior websites or sources. please refer to the information based on the source that we noted. Please d...
[Phone] How to enable or disable Alarm report for Alarms? Alarm report can report time and label after dismissing alarm. 1. Open your phone's Clock app.2. Tap the alarm you want to configure.3. Tap Alarm report to enable/disable the Alarm report ....
You can run the quit command to return from the current view to an upper-level view. For example, after you run the quit command to return from the AAA view to the system view, you can run the quit command again to return from the system view to the user view. [~HUAWEI-aaa] quit...
[Phone] How to enable or disable Alarm report for Alarms? Alarm report can report time and label after dismissing alarm. 1. Open your phone's Clock app.2. Tap the alarm you want to configure.3. Tap Alarm report to enable/disable the Alarm report ....
Since cutting the power is a possible indication of an intruder, it triggers the brain to sound the alarm on the vehicle. Types of Sensors The most basic element in a car alarm system is the door alarm. When you open the front hood, trunk or any door on a fully protected car,...
By default, a terminal displays alarm or log information on a device when you log in to a device through a console port. You can run commands to determine whether a terminal displays the information. Disable prompt information. <HUAWEI> undo terminal alarm //Disable a terminal from displaying...
and an intruder sneaking to get your car. False alarms can also be a nuisance, especially when the risk of car theft is low. This is when you may find it better to disable thealarmsystem. If you do not need an alarm system, there are numerous ways to disable the alarm on Dodge Ram...
One of the original alert systems is an anti-theft alarm. This alarm system is wired to go off automatically upon detecting signs of intrusion, such as a picked door lock, a broken window, or even a bumped windshield. But while these alarms can help prevent thievery, they can also sometim...
If you do not want to receive certain HSS alarm notifications after HSS is enabled, you can disable the notification items. After it is disabled, you have to log in to th