问题: 如何在Inventor中的曲面上创建孔。 解决方案: 请使用以下步骤: 若要在曲面或曲面上创建孔,需要两个定位特征。用于方向的工作轴和用于孔中心的工作点。 如果中心线上存在可用于创建工作轴的现有几何图元,以及孔中心的方向。否则,创建二维草图,并沿孔的中心线/轴
and then re-place the hole. When trying to dimension the distance from the edge to the hole, I now get an error saying that the dimension can't be placed due to design intent. I turn off design intent, and try again. When I try to position the hole this time, my locked...
問題: Inventorで曲面サーフェスに穴を作成する方法を説明します。 解決策: 次の手順に従います。 曲面またはサーフェスに穴を作成するには、2つの作業フィーチャが必要です。方向の作業軸と穴の中心の作業点。 作業軸の作成に使用できる中心線上および穴中心の...
问题: 孔特征用于Inventor零件,并且螺纹孔处于选中状态。 如何更改默认情况下在“孔”对话框中建议的螺纹类型? 如何更改螺纹类型在下拉列表中的显示顺序? 原因: 解决方案: 根据项目文件,定义已使用的thread.xls文件的本地化(请参见下面的注释1)。 备份原始thread.x
“So the trick is basically to put them (your direct reports) in charge, not you. You have the supporting role, they can request things from you. But the goal needs to be very clear.” (source) - A recipe on how to work with your direct reports, from a section of7 habits of hig...
STEP 1: Cut off both ends of the water bottle to have an open cylinder. Then, cut a small hole near the neck of the bottle—this is where the cereal will enter. STEP 2: Roll a piece of paper into a tight tube. This will be the center shaft of your screw. Pin STEP 3: Print...
In one TV demonstration, someone uses the tool and then puts the tip on an inflated balloon -- the balloon doesn't pop. To anyone who has burned a finger, damaged a table or melted a carrying case with a traditional soldering iron, the Cold Heat tool can seem pretty amazing. It'...
Related:Periodic table of elements quiz: How many elements can you name in 10 minutes? Who created the periodic table? Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist and inventor, is considered the "father" of the periodic table, according to theRoyal Society of Chemistry. In the 1860s, Mendeleev was ...
The root shows the active standard. Double-click the top of the tree to access the standard’s master settings. These master settings set the defaults for many of the elements within the standard. By enabling Dimension Link, you are linking the text and leader settings to a dimension style....
A donut chart is simply a pie chart with a hole in the middle; which one to use is purely an aesthetic decision. Incidences of types of lung cancer. The inner ring distinguishes between smokers (light) and non-smokers (dark). Author: David.haverthuer, under CC 4.0 license. Histograms ...