How To Build Your Own Drone How to Make a Scale Model of the Universe Wet or Dry? The Two Ways To Cook Meat How To Use Science To Make Better Booze How to Make Contact With Aliens How to Make a Interactive Motorized Chandelier
If there are cats in your yard, they probably like to dig in flower beds or vegetable gardens and lounge on warm surfaces like sun-baked driveways. Wherever your neighborhood cats’ favorite hangout is in your yard, there are methods to make those spots so uncomfortable that the cats won’t...
Moles live underground, and the majority of their subterranean excavation typically goes unseen. But, as moles dig tunnels in their hunt for food, the soil they remove from the channels gets pushed out into mounds of dirt on the surface of the yard. Signs of a mole infestation in the yard...
Tunneling through soft rock and tunneling underground require different approaches. Blasting in soft, firm rock such as shale or limestone is difficult to control. Instead, engineers usetunnel-boring machines (TBMs), ormoles, to create the tunnel. TBMs are enormous, multimillion-dollar pieces of eq...
Building your trench latrine effectively eliminates waste if you’re without power for an extended amount of time. It’s a trough you dig underground that catches all your sludge. This method is doable if you live in a rural area and have a yard to do it in. You’ll want to build it...
Plan to keep your deck at least 4 feet back from your property line. If all or part of your deck is more than 30 inches off the ground, you may need a building permit, and your structure will need railings. Check for underground utilities if you are planning to dig ground-level deck...
Determining property lines can provide you with information for needed legal changes to your home and backyard.
bramblesanddandelionscan be difficult to tackle by hand as they have deep roots which need to be completely dug out to stop the weeds growing back. Bindweed and ground elder are some of the most difficult weeds to dig out by hand, as they develop extensive underground root systems and will...
Ever wonder exactly why the band got into that melee on stage at the Viper Room in front of a lot of label bigwigs — hint: it involves sitars — or wanted to hear the original Dandy’s drummer Eric Hedford’s reason for leaving the band i...
Groundhogs also dislike some fragrant herbs, so if you have room in your garden or flower beds, plant lavender, lemon balm, basil, or mint. Plant these around the perimeter of a garden and sporadically throughout to help keep the groundhogs away. Planting these around sheds, garages, and...