In landscaping, the term "swale" refers to a method of contouring the ground with a shallow ditch to direct rainwater runoff where you want it to go. The goal can be to simply slow down and hold the runoff so the water can soak down through the soil and into groundwater aquifers, or ...
Dig your garden. Dig a shallow basin 6 to 8 inches deep that slopes from the outer edges to the deepest point at the center. Use the removed soil to create a berm to catch and hold water runoff. Amend the soil in the basin with topsoil or compost to provide a hospitable medium for ...
The sogginess around the foundation may be runoff from a patio or walkway, and you may be able to handle that by digging a swale, which is a wide, shallow rock-filled or grass-filled trench that slopes away from the house. Another solution is to construct a French drain, which you do...
You can also call 811 to locate your lateral sewer pipe. If you notice that trees, shrubs or other plants are growing on or near the pipe it might be prudent to have them removed before they become a problem. Once a clog occurs, the only solution is to dig up and replace the pipe....