“to him”). You can engage the entire class in practice by doing this with a rapid-fire turn-and-talk approach. Don’t forget to model this: “I’ll say the sentence once, then Partner A will turn to Partner B and restate only the prepositional phrase to Partner B. For example...
The same adverbial infinitive could also end the sentence: “We ate grubs to survive.” Direct Object Placement A direct object is a noun, pronoun or, as in the case of infinitives, a noun phrase. Unlike adverbial infinitives, direct objects usually occur very near the verb. (See Reference...
Use prepositional phrases to start a sentence rather than to end it. Before: “The boy walked home after visiting his grandmother.” After: “After visiting his grandmother, the boy walked home.” Open your sentence with an infinitive phrase. “To laugh is the best medicine of all.” Identi...
If you learned sentence diagramming in school, you will have discovered how useful this practice can be for revealing the relationship among the various parts of a sentence. There are not many rules to sentence diagramming.Itisjust a way to help you visualize the shape of sentences. Here is ...
A paraphrase is when you take another person's idea and simplify its general meaning. So, to paraphrase a passage you would first put the passage into... Learn more about this topic: Paraphrasing | Definition, Steps & Examples from
(2) responding to challenging times, (2) facing challenges such as the difficult problem of pesticides, (3) the problem being to keep bees in the highly cultivated areas where bees are needed for pollination. I’ve diagrammed the revisions to indicate the logical steps they now take. These...
A phrase should be labeled appropriately: “S” represents the sentence, “NP” describes noun phrases, “VP” means verb phrases, “CP” defines clausal words, and “PP” represents prepositional phrases. 3. Add images and icons To make your tree diagram more visually appealing, add images ...
It involves separating a sentence into its component parts: subject, object, verbs, prepositional phrases, adjectives, adverbs and articles, among other things. Diagramming a sentence can be a difficult thing to learn, but also can help you understand why some sentences work better than others. ...
Phrases are groups of words that function as a single part of speech. A preposition plus its object make a prepositional phrase, such as "after lunch." A verb phrase consists of a verb plus the object of the verb's action: "washing dishes." Clauses are a group of words within a sent...
This diagram is less complicated, but remember: it only shows one possibility. If a user includes or leaves out certain slots, the results will differ. Once you have the dialogue flows down, you need to make your responses less robotic. The machine should sound human. Here’s how: ...