Learning how to diagram them will help! Start Chapter 3: Diagramming Prepositional Phrases Chapter 4: Coordinating Conjunctions Conjunctions glue sentence elements together. Coordinating conjunctions join words, phrases, and independent clauses. It will be easy to SEE that when you learn how they are...
My mother emailed me last week to ask if she was using the word “nor” correctly, which brings us to today’s post: the use of either or and neither nor.
First, read aloud sentences and invite students to identify the prepositional phrases (e.g., “to him”). You can engage the entire class in practice by doing this with a rapid-fire turn-and-talk approach. Don’t forget to model this: “I’ll say the sentence once, then Partner A wi...
How_to_Draw_a_Data_Flow_Diagram_(DFD)HowtoDrawaDataFlowDiagram(DFD)MIS@SFU DataFlowDiagramming Page1 LearningObjective •Thiscollectionofslideswillintroduceyoutothetechniqueofdrawingdataflowdiagrams.MIS@SFU DataFlowDiagramming Page2 WhatisaDataFlowDiagram?•Adataflowdiagram(DFD)isagraphicaltoolthatallows...
An adverb which acts as a noun is called a nominal infinitive. (See Reference 2.) Each part of this compound sentence has a nominal infinitive as the direct object: “We wanted to eat coconuts, so we attempted to find some.” The infinitives “to eat” and “to find” are the direct...
tree diagram for many reasons. Perhaps you need to make a complex real-time decision and want to map out all of the possible options. Or, you may be trying to communicate a decision-making process to others. Whatever the reason, some great online tools make it easy to create tree ...
2. How to Block Diagram Scripture? Keep in mind block diagramming presents Scripture in blocks of thought! It helps you see those blocks of thought and how they relate to each other. Blocks of thought are conveyed through sentences, which are made up of words, phrases and clauses. ...
Use a noun clause opener to switch up your sentence structure. Instead of stating “We are impressed by your work,” construct your sentence as follows: “What impresses us most is the quality of your work.” Use descriptive adverbs and adjectives to open your sentences and bring them to li...
3. Tactic by which a rider rides just behind and to one side of another, and thus prevents a third rider from overtaking without swinging right out. Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited Box A term sometimes used instead of Hu...
IELTS Academic Writing task 1 Process Vocabulary: Explore and learn how to describe a process or diagram in IELTS Academic Writing task 1.