Manual auscultatory measurement of upper arm blood pressure (BP) with a mercury sphygmomanometer was the gold standard non-invasive test and mainstay clinical method to diagnose hypertension in the twentieth century [1,2] This indirect measurement method, as well as automated BP methods, was used...
They highlight the limitations of the ankle-brachial index (ABI), which is commonly used to diagnose PAD, and propose new measures such as ankle systolic blood pressure (SBP) and ankle pulse pressure difference (APPD) as potential alternatives. The authors conducted a ...
(2016), inexperienced teachers’ attentional processes might be driven rather bottom-up through salient features in student behavior rather than their intention to diagnose students’ cognitive processes (top-down; Schütz et al., 2011). However, existing research has yet to examine what has ...
Learn how to diagnose hypertension. Blood pressure varies regularly throughout the day. It is lower when you sleep and rest, and rises if you are excited, nervous, or active. For this reason, diagnosis of abnormal blood pressure is made only when elevated blood pressure is seen during at le...
While 21.8% had a self-reported clinical diagnosis of hypertension, only 8.9% had been prescribed hypertensive medication and/or had SBP/DBP readings that met NICE stage 2 severity levels. Unsurprisingly, substantially more participants were estimated to have SR-HBPMetS (8.7%) than O-HBPMetS (...