The adverse consequences of obesity are much more complex than simply being an imbalance between energy intake and energy output. Learn the pathophysiology behind this epidemic and how to diagnose and treat this multifactorial disease.
To diagnose childhood obesity, a healthcare provider will use a growth chart to evaluate how a child’s weight and height compare to other kids of the same age and sex. For example, a child who is considered in the 90th percentile weighs more and has a higher BMI than 90% of other c...
BMI is therefore an imperfect tool to help us diagnose obesity. What is the new definition? The goal of theLancet Diabetes & Endocrinology Commission on the Definition and Diagnosis of Clinical Obesitywas to develop an approach to this definition and diagnosis. The commission, established in 2022 ...
Various definitions and criteria have been used to diagnose the metabolic syndrome. One proposed parameter is waist circumference cut-offs according to gender and ethnicity. A novel parameter called the index of central obesity (ICO) was suggested. It takes into account the height and the waist ...
The other cause is abnormal morphology which relates to the size and the shape of the sperm. A physician can diagnose these problems for you is there are many causes of low sperm count in addition to these two main causes. When the veins that drain the male testicles are swollen we get...
To diagnose flat feet, a doctor will first ask about your symptoms and medical history. Then, they’ll perform a physical exam to evaluate what your feet do with and without weight on them, as well as the way you walk and how flexible the joints in your foot are. To determine the typ...
Most people have never been to med school, so their ability to diagnose illnesses or health problems is limited. Yet, the average person knows that the health of their heart is all important. It only makes sense that doing what you can to monitor your cardiac health will help you avoid ...
Estrogen regulates glucose and lipid metabolism. If your estrogen levels are low, it can result in weight gain. Research suggests that this may be why women approachingmenopauseare likely to become overweight. Being overweight can increase your risk for obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease....
How do we define or diagnose overweight and obesity in childhood? Medical journal of Australia, 173:S1-S17.Baur LA. How do we define or diagnose overweight and obesity in childhood? In: O'Connor HT, Eden BD, eds. Recommendations for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Australian Children [...
摘要: Opinion in the scientific community remains divided over the usefulness of BMI as a tool to diagnose obesity and obesity-related risk. Some researchers and physicians believe BMI is an essential element of adiposity.DOI: 10.1038/ncpendmet0809 被引量: 85 ...