【How can we convince an alcoholic his life is not meaningful?】"Well sadly most forms of skepticism cannot be proven out of. So why would this be different. Additionally, there may be other ways to try to convince the skeptic: by showing him he is resting his case on a shaky or very...
The term alcoholism refers to the consumption of alcohol to the extent that the person is unable to manage their own drinking habits or patterns, resulting in side-effects that are detrimental to the quality of life and health of the alcoholic, or those around them. An alcoholic is someone...
Signs That A Parent Has An Alcohol Addiction Alcohol addiction impacts everyone differently. Somealcoholics exhibit many signs, while others exhibit very few (this is especially true ofhigh-functioning alcoholics). But some signs are common to many, if not most, alcoholics. Here are some of the...
How to love an alcoholic (while you help fight the disease).Reports that there are over 18 million alcoholics in the United States. Use of alcohol to relieve tension; Alcoholics who never seek treatment; Guidelines for an intervention.Shoss...
A ten-minute slide presentation by Scott McMillin on the basic concepts of communicating effectively with your addict or alcoholic. If you love someone who is struggling with addiction or alcoholism, you can help their journey to recovery by learning some simple communications rules....
The first thing to understand is that you’re very unlikely to help an alcoholic or addict by simply confronting them. This is true whether you do it aggressively in an attempt to get through their “wall of denial”, or whether you do it with compassion and a non-judgmental attitude. ...
To deal with an alcoholic parent: Establish clear boundaries about when the alcoholic’s presence will be tolerated, Avoid arguments with the drinker and take...
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Alcohol Treatment in the United States: […]aracteristics.” 2023. Accessed August 23, 2023. Medical Disclaimer The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with ...
Those of you reading this post have most likely heard of Barnivore, which is an online directory of alcoholic beverages that gives you information on whether a brand is vegan-friendly or not. It’s always a little awkward to pull out an app in a social environment, so best to do it in...
“Are you refusing to buy me vodka or wine?” Am I calling her an alcoholic? Yes I have but in a half serious way. She’s very insecure and has what I say are dementia related episodes. The delusional thinking she has it downright crazy. I don’t agree with her about her de...