EyeConfidenceOcular DisordersYou can identify and treat many types of conjunctivitis, but you should always know when referral is needed to preserve the patient's vision and, in some instances, the patient's life.CPT Michael RoscoeCPT Timothy Landis...
Acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a rare complication after solid organ transplantation (SOT) that carries high mortality. Caused by immunocompetent donor leukocytes within the transplanted organ, which become activated against recipient tissues, GVHD typically develops 2 to 12 weeks after SOT...
PEDIATRIC neurology diagnosisPOSTVACCINAL encephalitisPEDIATRIC neurology researchPEDIATRIC researchPATIENTSDIAGNOSISBRAINMAGNETIC resonance imagingThis commentary is on the original article by Boesen et al. on pages 1123–1131 of this issue.doi:10.1111/dmcn.13940...
gencies in the ICU? How do I Diagnose and Manage Acute Endocrine Emergencies in the ICU?How do I Diagnose and Manage Acute Endocrine Emergencies in the ICU?doi:10.1016/B978-1-4160-5476-4.00075-4Carrie A. SimsEvidence-Based Practice of Critical Care...
Acute respiratory distress syndrome is also known as ARDS. Clinical officers assert the condition goes through three main phases; exudative, proliferative, and fibrotic, with each phase differentiated by the prevailing symptoms.Answer and Explanation: ...
Unstable angina is when you experience unexpected chest pain, and it usually occurs while you're resting. Unstable angina is a type of acute coronary syndrome, as are heart attacks, meaning it can happen when your heart stops receiving blood. It should be treated as an emergency.89 ...
For example, dogs with liver disease can have yellow or white stool due to a lack of, or change in, the production of bile (bile gives poop its brown color).Viral or bacterial conditionsBacterial conditions like hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE) can cause diarrhea. This acute disorder is ...
A blood flow-obstructing clot that develops in a coronary artery can lead to acute coronary syndrome (unstable angina or heart attack), and in a cerebral artery, it can cause a stroke.3,12 An arterial blood clot can also break away from the vessel wall. The dislodged or fragmented blood ...
If your symptoms linger or continue to come and go, you may have a chronic condition called long COVID. Because long COVID has many different signs and there's no test for it, it can be hard to diagnose. While the CDC defines long COVID as symptoms lasting 4 weeks, most doctors and...
Can the first infarct be a STEMI and the reinfarct be NSTEMI ? ( Dual acute coronary syndrome ) The only way to confirm a diagnosis of reinfarction is to document raising titres of cardiac enzymes and second peaking of CPK MB . New fresh ST elevation after a succesful thrombolysis is als...