Now you have a working quiz Web application implemented as a Blazor Server application. In order to secure this application, you will learn how to integrate it with Auth0 services. Creating the Auth0 application The first step to secure your Blazor Server application is to access the Auth0 ...
How to secure Web applications from insecure mobile devicesNetwork World
A secret is required to authenticate to Microsoft Entra on-behalf of the user. The app registration certificate or secret should be stored in a secure store for the web application to retrieve to authenticate to Microsoft Entra ID. This step may be skipped if the application already has a ...
Check for the feasibility, meaning look for the technical requirements, the skills needed to develop the app, and the financial investment required. This initial research will help you get a realistic understanding of what it will take to make your own app. You need to consider the technological...
important aspect that one needs to consider is the network through which the data travels. It’s good if the data is encrypted with a strong encryption code which would prevent snooping. Assurance of excellent firewalls that follow strict protocols with a secure network design should be looked ...
Secure development must be part of every stage of the software-development life cycle. This concept is even more important for critical applications and those applications that process sensitive or highly confidential information. In practice, to hold teams accountable for what they develop, ...
In response to software development organizations taking more steps to secure their applications, attackers have had to get more creative in their own methods. The sharp and continuous rise of code reuse and cloud-native approaches have provided them with additional angles to mount attacks several de...
use the agile framework for different purposes. DevOps focuses on the speed of app delivery, whereas DevSecOps augments speed with security by delivering apps that are as secure as possible, as quickly as possible. The goal of DevSecOps is to promote the fast development of a secure codebase...
A practical guide to hardening and securing your Apache Tomcat Server with best practices to ensure your server is more secure than the default.
You should develop applications using a non administrator account. Doing so is important primarily to limit the exposure of the logged on user and to help you to design more secure software. For example, if you design, develop, and test an application while you are interactively logged in as...