Develop a mentorship program: and create tasting relationships along the way.(How To)(Brief article)Johnson, Emma
The mentoring relationship is a two-way street. Both the mentor and mentee usually share the role of supporting each other. For example, mentees can provide feedback to mentors, while helping them develop their leadership skills. Benefits of a Mentorship Program Mentoringis an investment in human...
Set up a structurethat determines the frequency of meetings and time of each session. Schedule recurring meetings and add them to your calendar. To develop a long-term mentoring relationship, set the monthly for 45 minutes to an hour. This time frame will allow enough time to dive into deep...
nurture the talent they need to achieve their strategic objectives. The type of upskilling program your organization should develop depends on its unique needs, so there’s no one-size-fits-all formula. However, following these 10 steps will help your company build a successful upskilling program...
Read on to find out what you can do to help mentors and mentees have a successful first mentoring session and get the program off to a great start.
Career:Set your eyes on which career path you desire to pursue, the education assets required to get your dream job, and the soft skills to develop to guarantee success in interviews and daily work life. Investments:Does your career path require you to invest hefty sums? That’s often the...
Employee referral programs aren't just for hiring. Learn how the right program can encourage employees to refer top talent as well as bring in new customers.
If you develop online training courses in PowerPoint, you don’t have to master any new technology. iSpring Suite is PowerPoint-based, so you can keep working in that familiar interface. Plus, for slide-based courses built in iSpring Suite, you can create a wide range of eLearning ...
To avoid DE&I training pitfalls and ensure success, consider the following tips for getting the most out of your training program. 1. Develop an understanding of DE&I training. Establishing a DE&I training program for your organization starts with developing a clear, detailed definition of wha...
When these thought leaders develop a following on social media and inevitably have a hand in transforming and guiding the employee advocacy program at their company, it engenders mutual respect from peers, which in turn creates new opportunities for mentorship and collaboration. ...