Your ultimate guide to Zone 2 Training. From its scientific basis to practical tips, learn how to incorporate this training intensity into your routine for optimal results.
2. Determine Your Resting Heart Rate To determine the number of times your heart beats per minute at rest, take your pulse before you get out of bed in the morning. Do this for several days in a row to get consistent readings. Aheart rate monitorcan make taking your pulse easy. Mostsp...
Max Heart Rate: 220 – age Note: Here, HR refers to heart rate.How to view Heart Rate Zones on Apple Watch and iPhone Now that the concept of Heart Rate Zone is cleared now, you must be looking forward to learning how to view them on your Apple Watch and iPhone. But before that,...
The higher the heart rate zone, the less your oxygen intake is, and so the more your body relies on carbohydrates to produce glycogen for fueling your muscles. By contrast, the lower the heart rate zone, the more fat you burn, although this is offset by the fact that you're burning fe...
To calculate your anaerobic heart rate zone, you can use the Karvonen formula[6]: Determine your maximum heart rate (MHR): Your MHR is the highest number of beats your heart can achieve per minute during intense exercise. The most common method to estimate your MHR is to subtract your age...
When you know your maximum heart rate, you can calculate your heart rate zones and train at the right intensity. Read how to calculate your max HR.
HOW TO FIND YOUR HEART RATE RESERVE Martti Karvonen was a Finnish scientist who wanted to figure out a more accurate way to use heart rate to determine the intensity of cardio exercise. His method is known as heart rate reserve, and it’s a more accurate way of determining the intensity ...
Target heart rate is a range that shows how fast your heart should be beating when you're exercising. It's considered an ideal zone for getting the most out of your workout without overworking. According to the American Heart Association, the average target heart rate range by age is: ...
To properly train Zone 2, you need to know your heart rate zones. A lab test will give the most accurate results, and your device might take a guess, but the simplest way to estimate your Zone 2 heart rate range is by using a formula. One common method is to determine your maximum ...
Max HR is a critical piece of information, since you design your entire Heart Zone Training program around it. It serves as a marker for exercise intensity. There are a number of different approaches to capturing this number. These include taking a Max HR test to determine the true number ...