Here,variableis the variable whose type you want to determine, andvariableTypeis the resulting string representing its class. Let’s illustrate the use of theclass()function with a practical example: numericVar=42;charVar='Hello, MATLAB!';typeNumeric=class(numericVar);typeChar=class(charVar);...
Open in MATLAB Online I am trying to declare a variable like this ThemeCopy Zo(linear displacement of local coordinate system OoXoYoZo axis Oz)=1. Whenever I run this I get an error ThemeCopy | Error: Unexpected Matlab expression 1 Comment José-Luis on 21 Feb 2013 Please read the ...
I have a cell type variable(Final) with dimension 279*100. I want to create a new matrix of 279*1 dimension such that i can have only the maximum value of each row in the new matrix. Can anyone please help me do this? Thank You ...
I am new to matlab and want to generate a random variable that has probability density function as f(x)=x/2 ,0<=x<=2 0 ,otherwise I understand that given pdf is not already defined in matlab . 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인...
if the input to the function is an expression at all, rather than a plain unindexed variable ...
Open in MATLAB Online I wish to return r1 as a function of all the symbolic variables under syms besides the [C_S, C_CS, C_BS]. But I am not exactly sure of how I should proceed. The code below returns 4 zero solutions, which is technically correct. But the ...
For a variable, say pressure p, is a function of x,y,t. In Matlab, we usually have p(x,y) for pressure at any point we want to know. However, in Comsol linked with Matlab, how can I obtain pressure at any time and anywhere?
but at which variable of x and y that excactly subtituted in that f function. i mean, when (the value of x and y subtituted) fmax happens? Sign in to comment.Sign in to answer this question.Answers (2) Steven Lord on 29 May 2024 Vote 1 Link Open in MATLAB Online Ran ...
1 How to convert a numeric variable to a string in MATLAB 3 a numeric to string conversion in MATLAB 0 converting number to string in matlab 1 MATLAB: Convert string to number and then back to string 1 Converting a number to a string in matlab 0 Matlab: how to read data of ...
In MATLAB, when you access a slice of an array and assign it to a variable, MATLAB will make a copy of that portion of the array into your new variable. This means that when you assign values to the slice, the original array is not affected. Try out this example to help explain the...