High values of NLR may be useful for predicting adverse outcomes in PPROM and TPL patients as a cost-effective method. Further studies are needed to determine whether these parameters can be used to predict if a pregnant woman who is at risk of preterm labour will result in adverse perinatal...
To address this, we studied a suite of responses in yellow-bellied marmots ( Marmota flaviventer ) in two distinct years, 9 years apart. We first quantified the rate that vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles passed marmot colonies, focusing on two years (2009 and 2018) to determine how, ...
In LP settings, CPRs should have high sensitivity in order to correctly rule out (at a negative likelihood ratio (NLR) of up to 0.2) the target disorder(s) at a reasonable cost in terms of referral or admission rates [19, 20]. The accuracy of the CPRs was assessed retrospectively in ...
addition to stabilizing the contribution of flight-CO2to the total RF after 2063, the increase of syn-jet fuel share in the blend decreases flight SLCF emissions (Fig.3a). Unfortunately, this positive effect is counterbalanced by the increase in fleet activity, resulting in a growing share of ...
No study has yet been performed to determine whether ORF4 interferes with the establishment of the innate immune response. 5. Conclusions Many studies have documented the capacity of virus proteins to interfere with the innate immune response. HEV proteins can interfere with the IFN system by inhib...
E3 ligases determine the substrate specificity of the cascade by the covalent attachment of Ub to substrate proteins, but the E2-conjugating enzyme can also play a role in the substrate selection [156]. Ub is often linked to substrates as polymeric chains that vary in both linkage and length,...
Accuracy of single-breath counting test to determine slow vital capacity in hospitalized patients Validity values of CRP Statistics Value 95% Confidence Interval Sensitivity 72.27% 52.11% to 88.21% Specificity 74.15% 54.11% to 90.30% Positive Likelihood Ratio 2.75 1.11% to 3.52% Negative Likelihood Ra...
Various markers were used to determine clinical benefit, primarily the time to deterioration of the Karnofsky performance status (KPS) by one grade. Docetaxel in advanced gastric and gastro-oesophageal cancer Global functional status was poor in 26%-37% of controls, as reflected in a Karnofsky Per...
Statistically, the use of data to determine the specifics of the analysis represents overfitting, leading to exaggerated significance levels and hence a false sense of security over the robustness of the effects thus found. In many ways, the effects of p-hacking are similar to the selection of...