Latitude is the distance, north or south, of the equator whereas, longitude is the distance, east or west, of the prime meridian. Latitude and longitude are measured in seconds, minutes, and degrees. The chapter concludes by discussing United States Geological Surveys (USGS) maps, which helps...
Lines of longitude run from pole to pole, crossing the equator at right angles. All lines of longitude are equal in length. Each line of longitude also is one half of a great circle. Unlike lines of latitude, which run parallel to the equator, lines of longitude (meridians) converge at ...
Determine the latitude and longitude of the location of interest. You can do this by looking up the location on an atlas, using a GPS unit or consulting an online resource. Consult the DMAP UTM grid zone map, available online, to visually determine the UTM zone in which your location falls...
The vertical lines of longitude are also known as meridians. The starting point for lines of longitude is called the prime meridian. It passes through Greenwich, England, a spot chosen during an 1884 conference to determine the latitude and longitude system. Directly 180 degrees both west and ea...
This topic shows you how to use the Windows Phone Location APIs to determine the phone’s current location. If your app only needs the user’s location at the current time, for example, to check in the user at a location, or to make a location-based search, this is the recommended ...
The routines and formulas here consider negative latitudes to be South latitudes and negative longitudes to be West longitudes. While this may seem unfair to those of us living in the western hemisphere, what can I say other than deal with it!?
This topic shows you how to use the Windows Phone Location APIs to determine the phone’s current location. If your app only needs the user’s location at the current time, for example, to check in the user at a location, or to make a location-based search, this is the recommended ...
The vertical lines of longitude are also known as meridians. The starting point for lines of longitude is called the prime meridian. It passes through Greenwich, England, a spot chosen during an 1884 conference to determine the latitude and longitude system. ...
The lines of longitude and latitude are used to identify locations on the globe. The coordinates associated with latitude are used to find a location on a horizontal line, while the coordinates associated with latitude are used to find a location on a ve
There are 360 degrees in a circle, so coordinates in DD can never be over three digits to the left of the decimal. X-coordinates are longitude values. For data in North America, the longitude values must be negative numbers between 0 and -180. Y-coordinates are latitude values. For data...