There are many steps on how to clean your grease trap. There are also many ways of cleaning a grease trap and this depends on the size of your grease trap. Restaurants that use small grease traps can assign the cleaning work of grease traps to their maintenance staff while bigger food est...
This will help kill any bacteria or mold that may be causing the mildew smell. Additionally, be sure to use the appropriate amount of detergent for your load size. Using too much detergent can leave a residue on your towels, which can contribute to the mildew smell. ...
Soak a washcloth in full strength liquid fabric softener. Wring out excess, then lay out to dry first before using–helps prevent staining garments the first time. When ready: toss in the dryer and use again and again until it no longer works. Resoak when needed (you should be able to ...
If your grill has a removable bottom pan, take it out, shake recent scrapings into your trash, use a metal scraper to push any greasy sludge into the trash, and wash it with warm soapy water and a sponge. Do the same with your grease trap: Remove it, shake out loose debris, scrape...
Determine what sort of roller system you'd like to use. Unless you have a very small dog, the width should be between 15 and 18 inches. Large rollers will be positioned at each end of the frame with slightly smaller rollers along the length. A simple roller can be made by filling a ...
To determine a product's worthiness, these third parties not only evaluate the substances used in it, but also compare it to other market competitors. The EPA and Green Seal also have ecolabels they will grant to products upon successful review. For instance, the new Clorox Green Works line...
A popular formula used to determine the volume of grease needed is the outside diameter (in inches) multiplied by the width (in inches) multiplied by 0.114. This will provide the volume of grease in ounces that the bearing requires. Make your life easier and use our handy calculator for ...
You need energy to heat water. Therefore, if you can get clean without using so much hot water, you'll save. But which uses more hot water, a bath or a shower? This experiment will help you determine that. Ask everybody in your household to take a bath instead of a shower when the...
Determine the Species of Bat Make Sure There Are No Baby Bats! Find Out How They Are Getting In / Out Safely Remove the ENTIRE Colony Seal up 100% of the Openings Clean Up the Guano Droppings This simple checklist is not as simple as it seems. It's often a very complex and very det...
You must determine which consumable goods have come into direct contact with sewage water and contaminated debris. That’s a big job in an unfinished basement, especially when you start sorting through things stored downstairs. It’s even more difficult in a finished basement. Items that can ...