Using a system called the Bishop score, your doctor will determine if labor may already be induced. It’s made up of these elements: Cervical dilation; score: 0-3 Effacement (how thin and ripe the cervix is); score: 0-3 Station (Position of your baby’s head relative to your pelvis)...
Preterm labor happens when you have regular contractions and effacement of your cervix before your 37th week of pregnancy. There may be several reasons for labor to start early besides just carrying twins. However, this will likely be the biggest worry during an otherwise healthy twin pregnancy...
How to induce labor How your provider induces labor depends in large part on your cervicaldilation and effacementat the time. If your cervix hasn't started efface (become softer and thinner) or dilate (open), it's considered "unripe," which means you're not yet ready for labor. Your pro...
Labor is divided into three stages; corresponding to the dilation of the cervix, the birth of the baby, and the delivery of the placenta. Stage 1 of labor and delivery Stage 1 is the longest stage of labor. It is characterized by thinning (effacement) and dilation of the cervix. Sometimes...