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Fractions are a crucial concept in everyday and academic life, especially in later mathematics, such as algebra (Bailey et al.,2012). However, research has shown that students (e.g. Lortie-Forgues et al.,2015) and teachers (e.g. Depaepe et al.,2015) struggle to understand fractions. ...
To determine the moderating effects of future orientation, the Hayes process macro analysis was performed using SPSS 23.0. The coefficient of the interaction term “ATT × FO” was estimated to be positive (β = 0.207) and significant at 0.1% level (Table 5). This indicated that fut...
How to find the equation of a logarithm function from its graph? This article explains how to determine the equation of a logarithmic function given its... Understanding the Discriminant in a Quadratic Formula A quadratic equation in algebra is an equation in which the unknown variable's...
According to the fundamental theorem of algebra every non-zero polynomial function of degreenhas exactlyncomplex roots. For example, a linear polynomial has one root and a quadratic polynomial has two roots. Answer and Explanation:1 Given:- ...
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