If you find yourself unemployed, it may be tempting to terminate your credit card accounts to avoid extra expenses. Take note that the ratio of your outstanding debt to your available credit is one of the key metrics used to determine your credit score. Therefore, when you close an account,...
From AAA to F: How the Credit Rating Agencies Failed America and What Can Be Done to Protect Investors In the fallout from the current economic crises, many have struggled to determine what went wrong. One factor contributing to the massive combustion of the U.S. financial markets (and thus...
Credit ratings agencies do extensive research and analysis on bond issuers to determine their credit crating. This analysis involves examining the financial health of bond issuers and determining the probability that they can and will continue to make payments to those holding their bonds. Bonds with ...
Corporate rating methodology refers to the systematic approach used by credit rating agencies to assess the creditworthiness of a company. This process involves evaluating various financial and non-financial factors to determine the likelihood that a company will meet its debt obligations. Here’s a br...
To determine the markup before purchase, look up the latest quote for the bond; you can also use theTrade Reporting and Compliance Engine(TRACE), which shows all over-the-counter (OTC) transactions for the secondary bond market. Use your discretion to decide whether or not the commission fee...
to determine the score, and it's based on whether the person pays bills on time, how much debt he or she has, the length of his or hercredit history, how many new accounts the person has, and the diversity of the credit accounts. Knowing what criteria go into the number on acredit...
In the fallout from the current economic crises, many have struggled to determine what went wrong. One factor contributing to the massive combustion of the U.S. financial markets (and thus the economy as a whole) was investors' heavy reliance on inaccurate, inflated credit ratings. Because of...
Business credit scores are used for the same purpose as credit scores for individuals. If you apply for a business credit card or a small business loan, the company you apply for credit with will use your business credit score to determine the creditworthiness of your business, as well as yo...
How to calculate credit card interest To determine the true cost of yourcredit card, you’ll need to calculate your credit card interest. Also, be aware that the credit card might have a promotional period with either a zero-percent or low interest rate. When you are calculating your annual...
In fact, this site has a calculator designed to help you determine how much money you should give at a wedding. It’s actually pretty fun to check out, even though it’s based on U.S. locations (yes, apparently how much you should give does depend on what state you live in). You...