occasionally a 60-degree angle is useful. This is true of projects involving slanted furniture legs, trim for walls at non-standard angles and case-specific crafts projects. There are a number of ways to cut a 60-degree angle. Modern carpenters tend to use a miter saw, which has an adjus...
Angle Measures An angle measuring tool helps you determine if a ramp is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. It also allows you to assess if a support is truly straight or if it's starting to sag from rot or corrosion. Finally, if you measure the angle formed by the beginn...
1. Determine the x-component of the vector with magnitude 5, at 70 degrees. 2. What is the y-component of the vector? How to find the degree of kinematic indeterminacy A disk with r = 12.0 cm rotates and has an angular acceleration of 2.5 rad/s^2. What are the linear acceleration ...
100degree=7:5010degree=4:50-90=1:30-180of=10:30degree 0degrees=4:30 +180and-180arethesame,areinthepositionof10:30. 0and180degreeswhilethepolarizationangleis180degrees, butthepolarizationeffectisthesame. Afewpointsreferstotheclockintheclockreferstotheshort ...
An arc’s length means the same commonsense thing length always means — you know, like the length of a piece of string (with an arc, of course, it’d be a curved piece of string). Make sure you don’t mix up arc length with the measure of an arc which is the degree size of ...
Step 1: Determine which Mac Pro you have ChooseApple (), thenAbout This Macfrom the upper-left menu bar. Click More Info. Select Hardware from the Contents list. Find Number Of Processors in Hardware Overview. The quad-core and 6-core Mac Pro have one CPU and 12-core Mac Pro have...
Find 4/7 of a 49-degree angle. How do you find the sine of 47 degrees? How to find the angle of inclination of two lines? Calculate angle E. Calculate the angle between v = (2, 2, 4) and w = (2, -1, 1). Given that m angle ACD = 40 degrees, determine the value of m...
triangle since it has not two but all three sides and all three angles equal. A right triangle is also a special case of the isosceles triangle. The angles of the right isosceles triangle measure 90 degrees, 45 degrees and 45 degrees. If you know one angle, you can determine the other ...
The color of the car will also help determine thebest settingfor the shoot. “Black and white cars are really the only ones that you can take pretty much anywhere. If you’re dealing with a special color, those get tougher,” says Petty. “I’d say the hardest paint coat on a car ...
W.D. Gann, the creator of Gann fans, found the 45-degree angle to be the ideal angle for charting based on his theories regarding the balance of time and price. How Gann Fans Work Angled lines are drawn above and below a central 45-degree line to help determinetrenddirection and strengt...