Since owls are nocturnal predators, lights and bright flashes at night will deter them from your yard/coop. Make sure you install any lights outside your coop or structure, since indoor brightness could disrupt your chickens’ sleep patterns. Nite Guard Solar lights and Nite Guard Repellent Tape...
Owls prey on chickens, ducks, rabbits, and other small farm animals, so properly shelter these types of animals after dusk in a covered enclosure that excludes owls. Since owls may also prey on cats and small dogs, keep yourpets safely insidefrom dusk until dawn. If you have to take your...
The internet is full of tips and tricks that claim todeter birds, but much of this advice is utter fiction. One frequent piece of faulty advice is to install owl decoys around your property. It's true that owls frighten many birds, but none are afraid of owl statues. For this tactic t...
If you have a problem with squirrels climbing poles to get to your bird feeder, try mixing some cayenne pepper with vaseline and smearing it over the pole. If the vaseline doesn’t make it tricky enough for the little critters to keep their grip, then the cayenne should turn them off tha...
Owls can be a concern for homeowners with pets or small livestock such as chickens or rabbits, because occasionally they hunt small animals at night. Fortunately, you can keep owls away with certain frightening techniques or by changing the habitat to make hunting more difficult for them. Great...
A dog-proof fence around the perimeter of your coop is one of the best ways to deter any canine intruder. At a minimum, protect the coop and run. If possible, put up a dog-proof fence around the entire perimeter of your property so your chickens can safely free-range. This isn’t ...
Birds can adapt to non-moving objects, so be sure to move the predators around at least once a day to ensure birds continue to think that they’re real.[7] If you’re having trouble with geese, use a fake coyote instead, since owls and snakes may not be large enough to scare ...