To stop their encroachment, Orkin recommends sealing up gaps and torn screens around your exterior. The good news is that shoring up the outside of your home will also deter many other pests, including roaches and ants. Pesticide applied as a barrier before bugs arrive may help next year, ...
This mealybug is common across the world. They seem indiscriminate when it comes to their hosts. Varying crops, including ornamentals, vegetables, field crops, and fruit host these striped scale insects. Also heavily segmented, their bodies are covered in white powdery wax and have two vertical ...
Some installers prefer to add copper mesh or steel wool as a base layer behind this foam to deter insects that may bore through [source: Potter]. 5: Cover Large Openings A hole in your roof can mean all the bugs — and bigger intruders — can enter your home. Henry Arden/Getty ...
Some installers prefer to add copper mesh or steel wool as a base layer behind this foam to deter insects that may bore through [source: Potter]. 5: Cover Large Openings A hole in your roof can mean all the bugs — and bigger intruders — can enter your home. Henry Arden/Getty ...
Ladybugs (Hippodamia convergens):These generalist predators feed on soft-bodied pests, including aphids, thrips, and spider mites. While they may not be as effective as specialized predatory mites, they can still contribute to youroverall pest prevention plan. ...
There are several methods you can use to prevent ladybugs from entering your home or to chase them away: Ladybugs do not like the chemical compounds found in chrysanthemums, so planting beds and pots of mums beside windows and near entryway will deter these bugs. ...
Alice says, "Cockroaches are attracted to food and bodily fluid stains on clothing (learnhow to get blood stains out of clothesquickly), and the best way to deter these creepy-crawlies is bywashing your clothesthoroughly and not letting soiled clothing pile up. ...
It’s been noted that mole repellents based on castor oil are more effective against the mole species found east of the Rocky Mountains. Western species of moles may not be deterred by them. How to get rid of moles using mole traps ...
dish detergent. Once stink bugs enter and land in the water, they can’t escape. Stinkbugs, like Asian Ladybugs, are highly attracted to the UV light bulb in this trap and will fly around the top where the light emits. We also include a stinkbug pheromone lure to get them to enter....
According to the National Gardening Association, the following simple homemade mixture should be helpful to control and deter whiteflies: Use a mix of dish soap and water. A good squirt of soap to a gallon of water should work. As mentioned above, only spray in cooler temperatures; late in...