Do not allow pets to run free. Supervise all outdoor pets to keep them safe from coyotes and other wildlife, especially at sunset and at night. Small dogs and cats are especially vulnerable. Fenced yards may deter coyotes. The fence should be tight to the ground, preferably extending six i...
Predator urine:The scent of urine from predators (wolves, coyotes, or bobcats) fools raccoons into thinking your property is unsafe. Believe it or not, you can easily find predator urine for pest control online and at some garden centers. Vinegar:You can dilute vinegar with water to make it...
Steve Bennish
We’ve mentioned before that coyotes eat everything – fromlargeranimals to thesmallestones, such as dogs, cats, or rabbits. So, if you have them as pets, ensure they’re safe inside the household. It will also be adequate to prevent the beasts from being interested in your property. ...
Rodents enter homes for the same reasons that people live in them: to meet their needs for shelter, water, food, and protection (in their case, from predators such as foxes, coyotes, cats and dogs, weasels, hawks, and owls). Signs of a Rodent Problem ...
HUMANE HINTS:Coyotes are difficult to trap in cage traps - leg-hold and paw-hold traps are the most effective, but considered inhumane, especially if the animal is not attended to quickly. If possible, instead of trapping, attempt to deter the coyotes from preying on sheep or livestock with...
Predator urine (dogs, coyotes) can be used to repel a skunk. These are commercially sold in garden centers. (Note:Use a responsible source for predator urine to make sure that the animals are treated humanely and the brand complies with state and federal regulations.) ...
7 questions to ask yourself BEFORE you try to deter deer Again, there is no one-size-fits-all way to keep deer out of your garden or yard. So before formulating plans, ask and answer these seven questions: 1. How large is the space you’re trying to protect from deer?
cats (Felis catus)57and trained tracking dogs have been reported to opportunistically ingest cougar scat (TR Allen, personal communication). In wild canids, coprophagy has been primarily referenced in regards to territorial behavior in conspecifics (e.g., coyotes eating the feces of intruding ...
Fake owls, snakes and other predator decoys may help to deter squirrels from your yard, at least for a little while. Look for decoy models that involve some movement, as these will look more threatening to potential prey animals. Frequently changing the location of your decoys may also make ...