scratch at sturdy, immobile items. Carpet is usually held in place well, and it is soft enough for cats to sink their claws in fully, making it ideal for that purpose. Some cats also have individual preferences for horizontal over vertical scratching behaviors, and other cats ...
Different cats have different scratching preferences. Overall, the material needs to make a good sound, allow the kitty to sink its claws into it, and offer nooks that help trim the cat’s nails when scratching. It’s also helpful if the scratcher is tall or angled, so it can provide a...
Simple tricks can work to deter the behavior, such as double-sided sticky tape on your couch. Then, ensure that you offer your cat an alternative scratching area to use instead. When your cat scratchesthe scratching postor mat, use a click and treat as a reward. ...
If you'd prefer Fido stick to his own bed instead of drooling all over your upholstery, find a thick plastic chair mat that has carpet-gripping studs on one side. Cut it to fit your couch or chair and flip it so that the plastic spikes are facing up. Suddenly, the couch isn't so...
You probably have learnt before how to await traffic on a main road to pass first and then make a proper turn into that road, so you want to expect the same from your fellow road users, but in Thailand it's different.Correct turns of two opposed drivers would be to cross each other,...
This will deter your kitty without leaving a noticeable odor to human noses. Or, you might try a citrus spray, as cats are repelled by citrus odor too.[8] Apple cider vinegar can also be sprayed as a cat repellant. If it's a plastic tree, shake a small amount of Citronella oil ...
Instead, you can put sticky paper, aluminum foil, or heavy plastic carpet runners on areas that you would like your cat to avoid. This may be unsightly, but cats generally dislike walking on any of these textures. DO NOT attempt to deter a cat with smells, such as placing cloth or ...