The real risk of mold exposure is what it can do to the body over time. Besides cancer, serious conditions such as fibromyalgia, GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), autoimmune disease, depression/anxiety, and even Alzheimer’s can all potentially be linked to long-term mold exposure. A 201...
The Halimeter, developed by Interscan Corporation, helps to measure bad breath in a quantifiable way. Armed Forces Medical College, Department of Dental Surgery & Oral Health Sciences explains that Halimeter is an advanced chairside diagnostic equipment to detect and quantify halitosis (foul breath). ...
How To Detect Patients with Hidden GERD.Discusses the symptoms and diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Key issues of interest; Analysis of pertinent topics and relevant issues; Implications on medical care.FieldStevenEBSCO_AspCortlandt Forum...
In the case of your gag reflex, nerve endings in the back of your throat detect an intrusive object. This generates nerve impulses, which a neuron carries to the integration center in your brain stem. The brain stem, using a motor neuron, instructs the muscles in your throat — the effec...
However, you should go to the dentist more often if you have risk factors or warning signs of gum disease, such as persistent bad breath.9 This gives your dentist a chance to detect gum disease early.7 If you do have gum disease, your dentist can usually treat it with a regular ...
Finally, a hair follicle test can detect the presence of alcohol for up to 90 days after alcohol consumption.5 5. Are breathalyzers accurate? It depends on how well and how often the machine is maintained and calibrated. Also, breathalyzers can be tricked into returning a falsely high BAC ...
In the case of your gag reflex, nerve endings in the back of your throat detect an intrusive object. This generates nerve impulses, which a neuron carries to the integration center in your brain stem. The brain stem, using a motor neuron, instructs the muscles in your throat — the effec...
In this article, I’m going to show you how to migrate from the legacy hilo sequence-based identifier optimizer to the pooled Hibernate strategy.I decided to write this article after having a discussion with Gerd Aschemann on Twitter about addressing the HHH-13783 Hibernate issue....
though this check can be helpful in terms of early detection, it's not a reliable way to rule out or diagnose a thyroid problem.3Many nodules and bumps can't be seen or felt, but if you have any that are large or close to the surface of your skin, you may be able to detect ...
An endoscopy is also a great tool for being able to detect inflammation within the digestive tract, as well as ulcers and tumors. What diseases can be detected by an endoscopy? Upper GI endoscopy can be used to identify many different diseases: gastroesophageal reflux disease. ulcers. cancer ...