If the can is swollen, rusted, or dented, discard it entirely. Bulging or swollen cans may result from contamination from the gas that bacteria produce. A dented can could result from a broken seal, potentially exposing your cat’s food to bacteria like Clostridia, which could cause botulism...
The toxin is usually passed on by rice products, starchy food such as pasta and potato, cornflour, custards, soups, and vegetables. The onset period is 1 to 6 hours.Botulism (Clostridium botulinum)Botulism transmission is usually by improperly canned or low acid or fermented foods, smoked ...
Botulism you can’t see, taste, or smell. So if it is there, you won’t know it until you get sick. I’d just count this as a lesson learned and don’t eat those jars. Here is a page with more on Canning Safety. Can You Can Raw Ground Venison (Raw Pack)? “Can I can gro...
We recommend always keeping a supply of food on handin case of emergencies, but also as a way to save a lot of money on your food bill. We often get the question, “How long does canned food last?” when people are considering a longer term stockpile. We have experienced many emergenc...
Whether you are canning or freezing your beans, they will remain fresh for years to come. Pressure canners are needed for canning since regular canners can’t reach high enough temperatures to kill bacteria that cause botulism. This process is rather tedious and time-consuming, plus the beans ...
work of digging a root cellar. The cool and dark storage area where the corn, tomatoes, and peppers noted above were found, almost certainly played a significant role in the incredible preservation longevity. Exposure to light also can diminish the overall nutrient quality of canned food. ...