How Should We Measure Repetitive Behaviors in Infants and Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder?Repetitive behaviorsRestricted interestsP. TowleJ. Cross
Two studies were conducted to better understand how children with intellectual disabilities (ID) empathize with the feelings of others during social intera
Baby FaceReader has been developed as a state of the art system to automatically detect infant facial expressions in order to help address questions in developmental psychology related to affect and developmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ...
Wiersema, Ellen Demurie, Herbert Roeyers, "Development of neural responses to hearing their own name in infants at low and high risk for autism spectrum disorder" Rachel Aydt, Meghan Jones, "To Whom It May Concern: What It Means and How to Use It" Frequently Asked Questions about How to...
Once thought to be a bygone disease, measles is making a comeback in the United States and globally as folks shun a safe, surefire way to prevent it: The measles vaccine. But what is measles, and how easily does it spread? Drs. Aaron Milstone and Lisa Lockherd Maragakis, two ...
But the capacity to detect the outcomes between groups. As an including female comparisons in what has been for most example, pre-pulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle fields largely male-centric can only be seen as a benefit, as we response, a measure of sensorimotor gating, is ...
HCG (humanchorionic gonadotropin):HCG is a hormone made by the placenta. Very early in pregnancy, it's the substance used to detect pregnancy in home pregnancy tests, since it also shows up in urine. HCG levels in the blood of women carrying babies with Down syndrome tend to be higher th...
HCG (humanchorionic gonadotropin):HCG is a hormone made by the placenta. Very early in pregnancy, it's the substance used to detect pregnancy in home pregnancy tests, since it also shows up in urine. HCG levels in the blood of women carrying babies with Down syndrome tend to be higher th...
Tactility is also involved in animals’ social lives, although there are disparities between species. For example, social tactile contact among horses is limited, but this does not mean that they do not react to tactile stimuli but rather with their very thin skin they are able to detect ...
The pace of exome and genome sequencing is accelerating, with the identification of many new disease-causing mutations in research settings, and it is likely that whole exome or genome sequencing could have a major impact in the clinical arena in the rel