MediumThere are parallels, obviously. They’re both in the SS. They both believe in Nazism. They both believe that the enemies of Nazism, in particular the Jews, had to be exterminated because they were trying to destroy German and European, indeed world civilization, a kind of paranoid del...
Rail guns could fire projectiles to intercept the incoming missiles. Some scientists argue that rail guns could also protect Earth from rogue asteroids, by firing high-velocity projectiles from orbit. Upon impact, the projectiles would either destroy the incoming asteroid or change its trajectory. ...
2. Always keep a firearm pointed in a safe direction/ Never point your firearm at anything you don't want to destroy 3. Never touch the trigger of a firearm until it is pointed at your intended target, and then only when it is safe/appropriate to discharge your firearm at said target...
Titus Warren worked for Republican Congressman Bruce Westerman as a legal aid in 2023. Titus is a secret Democrat who has worked in the Republican camp. He was secretly recorded by James O’Keefe. When asked how Republican constituents might respond to his viewpoints, Titus said,“If they do ...
’s used the clip loading system of the M1 Garand and called the En Bloc Clip a clip. Because that weapon was the dominant one used in the U.S. Military, everyone started using the term to refer to any device that held ammunition and was placed in a firearm. Clip quickly became the...
Concealing oneself is pretty simple when we have a full set of advanced region-specific camouflage clothing to wear. Survival situations have
TBI will deny a firearm transfer if it finds that a potential buyer has a criminal history that would prohibit them from purchasing, receiving or possessing a firearm, and a final case disposition has yet to occur or is not recorded.
Any prohibition against owning or possessing a firearm or susceptibility to a conviction for violating California’s “felon with a firearm” law;15 or The obligation to disclose the arrest as otherwise required by law in response to a direct question on an application for: Public office, Emplo...
Just because you’re cleaning your pistol doesn’t mean you can ignore the fundamentals of gun safety. Throughout the disassembly and reassembly procedure, you’ll want to make sure you never point the gun towards anything you don’t want to destroy. This will ensure that even if a negligen...
“I’m in a group where I can destroy you if you don’t give me what I want.” “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.” Signs of schizophrenic paranoia, unwelcome phone calls displaying manic behavior. Flaky behavior, lots of excuses for excessive tardiness or cancellations just before the ...