作法:列印 Windows Forms 中的圖形 發行項 2024/10/14 2 位參與者 意見反應 您通常會想要在 Windows 應用程式中列印圖形。 Graphics 類別提供將物件繪製到螢幕或印表機等裝置的方法。 若要列印圖形 將PrintDocument 元件新增至表單。 在PrintPage 事件處理常式中,使用 PrintPageEventArgs 類別的 Graphics 屬性...
How to: Design a Windows Forms Layout that Responds Well to Localization How to: Create a Resizable Windows Form for Data Entry TextBox Control Timer Component ToolBar Control ToolStrip Control ToolStripContainer Control ToolStripPanel Control ...
System.Windows.Forms和System.Drawing命名空間的參考。 本範例會覆寫OnPaint方法來變更表單的形狀。 若要使用此程式碼,請複製方法宣告,以及方法內的繪圖程式碼。 另請參閱 在GitHub 上與我們共同作業 您可以在 GitHub 上找到此內容的來源,在其中建立和檢閱問題和提取要求。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱我們的參與者指...
using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Windows.Forms.Design;using System.ComponentModel;using System.ComponentModel.Design;namespace Company.WinFormDesigner.Controls{[Designer(typeof(MyRootControlDesigner),typeof(IRootDesigner))]classMyRootControl:UserControl{}[ToolboxItemFilter("MyControls",ToolboxItemFilterTy...
HOW TO:以程式設計的方式將項目加入至 Windows Form DomainUpDown 控制項 HOW TO:從 Windows Form DomainUpDown 控制項中移除項目 ErrorProvider 元件 FlowLayoutPanel 控制項 FolderBrowserDialog 元件 FontDialog 元件 GroupBox 控制項 HelpProvider 元件 HScrollBar 和 VScrollBar 控制項 ImageList 元件 Label 控制項...
using IOleServiceProvider=Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider;using IServiceProvider=System.IServiceProvider;using System.ComponentModel.Design;namespace Company.WinFormDesigner{classDocumentEditorFactory:IVsEditorFactory{privateIServiceProvider serviceProvider;#region IVsEditorFactory 成员publicint...
On any Windows Form, you can designate aButtoncontrol to be the accept button, also known as the default button. Whenever the user presses the ENTER key, the default button is clicked regardless of which other control on the form has the focus. ...
designate aButtoncontrol to be the cancel button. A cancel button is clicked whenever the user presses the ESC key, regardless of which other control on the form has the focus. Such a button is usually programmed to enable the user to quickly exit an operation without committing to any ...