Try to make every term as alive. Lenovo or look at, this thing is what to make, what purpose, etc., and then in English to describe. Describe a TV size, color, switching, and other functions can use a lot of words, which can be extended apart from nouns to adjectives, ...
Describe how to protect your applicationsCompleted 100 XP 6 minutes In the modern world we're always connected, and applications have become central to how we engage with it. Whether you're talking to friends or colleagues, shopping or banking—applications make all this...
Similarly, you could describe people as "honest" or "straightforward". If someone is "straightforward", they're honest, easy to understand and easy to spend time with.
This guide will explain how to create a professional website and walk you through the technicalities and details of building your own.
The best invented-word names tend to hint at what the company does without trying to describe it in literal terms. Examples (ordered from the most indirect to most direct hints): Trello (variation on trellis, a latticework structure)
Learn how to make a website from scratch. Create engaging content and an online presence with this guide. Choose a domain, pick a website builder, and launch your site effortlessly.
to build up your forearm strength or your grip strength here are a few tips to aid you in your quest. Vary Your Push-Up Routine Many types of push-ups usually work on your muscles in your chest, upper arms, abdomen, and the front of your shoulders. You could try to tweak the way ...
Describe your design process step-by-step to the interviewer. Explain your rationale and decision-making. Be open to feedback and adapt your design based on the interviewer’s suggestions. Portfolio Discussion: Make sure you are prepared to provide a detailed discussion of your portfolio projects...
Brand equity is a measure of the perceived worth of a brand or product in the eyes of consumers. Learn how to build and strengthen your brand’s equity.
1. Is there anything from your first interview you'd like to revisit? 2. How would you describe yourself? 3. Why do you want to work for us? 4. Why should we hire you? 5. Describe your ideal job. 6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 7. What kind of work environment...