Spanish Vocabulary: Childhood Activities in Phrases from Chapter 22 / Lesson 2 30K Spanish has lots of wonderful ways to describe cherished childhood activities. Learn the vocabulary and phrases for your favorite pastimes, then practice with definitions and repetition. Related...
Focus on your job title or degree, add a good word to describe yourself, and mention your professional experience. Plus, skip personal pronouns. Here’s an example: Motivated project manager with 5+ years of experience in creative agencies. 2. Show Skills Tailored to the Job Posting Next, ...
When used as adjectives, nationalities follow the same rules as other Spanish adjectives—they have tomatch the gender of the nounthey describe anduse the plural form(usually adding-sor-es) when talking about more than one person, place or thing. For example: • Singular, masculine:un cient...
How do you say talkative in Spanish?Describing People:There are many different kinds of adjectives, and a lot of them can be used to describe a variety of things. However, some adjectives are always or almost always used to describe people. These are adjectives dealing with personality or ...
There isn’t only one way to say “amazing” in Spanish – there are a few words that work. You could useincreíble(“incredible”),asombroso(“astounding”) ormaravilloso(“marvellous”). All of them have similar meanings. So if you want to tell your loved one they’re amazing, sayEres...
To describe nouns in more detail, you’ll need someSpanish adjectives. Like adjectives,Spanish adverbsadd detail or description to adjectives, verbs, or other adverbs. Spanish interjections and exclamationsgive you a lot of bang for your buck by communicating many emotions in three words or fewer...
In Spanish, when we use an adjective to describe a noun, the grammatical explanation is thatthe adjective modifies the noun. Spanish adjectives have specific masculine and feminine forms to modify masculine and feminine nouns. Likewise, they have specific masculine plural forms and feminine plural fo...
For all, describe how the three images are representative of how you see creativity as a way to describe, reflect on, or change the world. Please limit your response to 50-75 words. Nursing Discuss the factors that have influenced your motivation and deep desire to pursue a career in Nursi...
Sometimes the easiest way to explain the exact function of a Chartered Surveyor is to describe the variety of surveys on which their expertise is considered vital. As you will be able to see, their... moreThe Nota Simple - What it does and where to get it A common mistake made by fore...