4. Friendly ways to describe a persons personality They always go out of their way to be nice and helpful to others. For example, they might always say hello when they see someone, or they might be quick to lend a hand if someone is struggling. 5.Laid-back is a way to describe a ...
You could describe someone as "kind", but it's better to be more specific if you can. Better words to use are: "considerate", meaning someone who always thinks about other people and their needs.你可以用 "kind" (善良)来描述某人,但是可以的话,最好还是要更具体一些。更好的词包括:"co...
The first clue to guess someone’s personality type from the way they speak is to see if they take the initiative and open up a conversation or if they let you take the lead. When you’re talking to a complete stranger, you can get a pretty good idea of whether someone is extraverted...
Focus on your job title or degree, add a good word to describe yourself, and mention your professional experience. Plus, skip personal pronouns. Here’s an example: Motivated project manager with 5+ years of experience in creative agencies. 2. Show Skills Tailored to the Job Posting Next, ...
First, try to figure out why a person is ‘impossible’ to you.If you can describe what it is about the impossible person's personality thatclasheswith yours, you may be ableto pinpointmore specific ways to deal with him or her. It seems that there are four types of impossible people ...
Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someone’s personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. If you were asked to describe what a "nice face" looked like, you probably would have a difficult time doing so. But if you were asked to de...
It’s important to learn how to describe someone’s physical features, but it’s even more important to learn how to describe someone’s personality. Personalities are complex, making them difficult to put into words. Nonetheless, there are plenty of great ways to describe someone’s personality...
A second personality: It describes a different aspect of a person's character that they show in specific situations. Example: Her stage persona is an alter ego; she's much more reserved in real life. A close friend or confidant: It can also refer to someone who is very similar to you ...
Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child or even an animal, such as a dolphin can learn to recognize faces. We also tell people apart by how they behave.When we talk about someone’s personality,...
Extraversion, also known asextroversion, describes how energetic and social someone is in connecting with others. An extrovert is often referred to as a “people person.” People who fit this description typically draw their energy from being in social situations. Words used to describe extraverts...