For example, Layne Maheu’s amazing literary fiction debut SONG OF THE CROW is told from the point of view of a bird along for the ride on Noah’s ark, several reviewers automatically compared the book to Richard Bach’s 1970s megaseller JONATHAN LIVINGSTON SEAGULL. Actually, apart from the...
You have been magically forever deprived of the unprofessional desire to describe your book as, “sort of a cross between a high-end thriller and a romantic comedy, with Western elements” or “Have you ever seen the TV show HOUSE? Well, it’s sort of like that, except set in a prison...
在美国,陪伴女儿的孕期日常! 川普政府重组了“总统科技委” DeepSeek已经让成人玩具“率先受益” IRS的2024税年初步数据:今年退税额预计比2023税年下降32% 祝融号在火星挖出了36亿年前海洋铁证 美国科学院发现了火星“度假海滩” 伊隆·马斯克:“泽连斯基在美国人民眼中覆灭” 15小时航程,从上海到美国了! 歌手【方...
/ E5stju:t; ?@ E5stu:t; E`stut/ adj clever and quick at seeing how to gain an advantage; shrewd 精明的 ; 机敏的 ; 狡诈的 : an astute lawyer, businessman, judge of character, etc 干练的律师, 精明的商人, 知人之明 *| It was an astute move to sell just before prices went down...