During primary syphilis, the chancre will usually be round and firm with a red crater at the center. Although painless, the sore will often ooze. During the secondary phase, a rough discolored rash may develop on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. There may also be open sore...
A rash that has a butterfly-like shape Round lesions or blistering of the skin Light sensitivity that can cause headaches or disorientation Oral ulcers Arthritis or stiffness in the joints Kidney disorder Neurological disorder Inflammation of the lining around the lungs (pleuritis) or of the lining...
In American Engpsh a new word "workahopc" hasbeen created to describe an inpidual who is as addicted to work as an alcohopc is to pquor.There are confpcting points of view about workahopcs. Those concerned with problems ofmental stress bepeve workahopcs abuse themselves physically and ...
I am not 100 percent sure but I think that my 7year old schnauzer might have stepped on a bee while walking him, he immediately stopped then was trying to get to his hind leg close th the paw. He would not put his leg down but if he does he starts limping what can I do to eas...