Soldiers with PTSD may receive compensation from the government to pay for therapy. Written documentation of PTSD needs to describe a minimum number of symptoms as criteria for determining if you are eligible for PTSD compensation. Common symptoms of this disorder include excessive anxiety,insomnia, a...
Sexual abuse involves forcing or coercing someone to engage in sexual activity if they don’t consent or if they revoke their consent. It can also describe behavior intended to control someone’s sexual activity, like tampering with or hiding birth control. Examples of sexual abuse include unwante...
The findings indicate that veterans make use of metaphor to describe how PTSD once dominated their life, how they came to manage their PTSD symptoms, and how they used their experience of PTSD to promote a survivor's mission. The findings also suggest that the metaphors that veterans use can...
Your employer may offer some basic information about the disclosure process in internal HR documents or online material. Review it and look for assurances that there will be a consideration of trust and confidentiality. The organization should describe a formal process on disclosure, explaining the ke...
In English, dozens of words can describe how we feel. To help you better identify these feelings, you can condense most of them into these seven basic emotions: Enjoyment: You can enjoy things like watching a sunset, engaging in your hobbies, or being around people you love. Sadness: This...
Whatever those symptoms or signs are, we can begin to first describe those, and then ask that question of well, what happened right before that? What started that feeling or that sensation or that emotion or that thought process in you? And then usually we're able to see that that's a...
Describe your shadow character.Picture an image of what your shadow might look like. You might have an easier time breaking destructive patterns if you learn to catch a cue early on, Zweig says, because you give yourself the chance to pause and think, “Here’s my shadow. What can I do...
But you don’t have to garden, any outdoor activity can dampen the stress response. In Japan, the benefits of spending time outdoors are taken seriously. The Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries coined the term “Shinrin-yoku” or “forest bathing” to describe time spent...
How is PTSD distinguished from depression or anxiety? Describe generalized anxiety disorder and list the cause(s) of this disorder. Does having generalized anxiety disorder lead to shame? How does generalized anxiety disorder affect the brain?Explore...
People who claim to have been abducted by aliens typically describe their abductors as little, gray humanoids with oversize heads, slanted eyes, two holes for a nose and a slit for a mouth.David Wall / Getty Images Alien abduction stories have spread widely over the last hundred years, thoug...