When we speak about the Chinese language, we actually refer to the set of languages closely related to each other spoken in China, belonging to the Sino-Tibetan family and now spoken by 1325 million persons. In our Chinese Lesbian Dictionary, you can find expressions of different Chines...
There are also other, more direct, ways of referring to generic persons in Spanish which could be used to express norms, for example, “one” (i.e., “uno”; “Uno trabaja de Lunes a Viernes”) or “people” (i.e., “personas”; “Personas trabajan de Lunes a Viernes”). ...
Before we describe the nation’s capital in more detail, many people ask us if it’s possible to get from Miami to Nassau by boat or yacht and the answer is a qualified “Yes”. Yes, it is possible but it’s expensive. There is currently no regular scheduled ferry service from Miami...
Spanish is a free-stress language in which stress patterns are contrastive, especially in verbal forms (e.g. lavo /labo/ '[I] wash' vs lav贸 /labo/ '[He/she] washed'). The aim of this preliminary study is to determine whether persons with AOS are able to make the intended stress ...
Thoughts of ending a person's own life, or of killing one's self, are also known as suicidal thoughts or suicidal ideation. Some people may plan out suicide attempts, whereas others are impulsive and in the moment. There are other specific terms used to describe certain types or categories...
(3)What happened to Lara when she arrived in Europe? A.Her life got into a mess.B.She worked more efficient than at home.C.She couldn't get on well with her colleagues.D.She was out of condition because of the weather.(4)Why does the author describe Lara's experience? A.To ...
Remember Sully and his “deposits in the bank of education and training”; Describe a stressful situation and what steps you took to overcome it; List any innovation and improvements you initiated and fulfilled; Include a situation where you took control instead of waiting for the events to ...
There are no words to describe my frustration levels when the sentence dropped. When on a field mission to one of the most remote places in the world, after you’ve travelled hours on such a bumpy road that you back hurts and you bum is so sore you feel you can never sit down again...
They describe the Middle East conflict as an Arab struggle for National Liberation, and, to make this view credible, they accept (or invent) fables about what happened in 1948, thus obscuring politics then and now. The politics of Arab leaders was the subject of a 7 December 1946 Nation ...
The goal of a reprex is to package your code, and information about your problem so that others can run it and feel your pain. Then, hopefully, folks can more easily provide a solution. What's in a Reproducible Example? Parts of a reproducible example: background information - Descr...