3.3 How to describe personality中级英语写作.pdf,Unit 3 Describe a person 3.3 How to describe personality sociable opt imist ic bravery isolated •trembling • sweat ing • heart racing • uncontrollably • nearly faint ing • cramping “nervo
【词汇】Howtodescribeourpersonality? The following is a collection of words decribing personality. The words highlighted in yellow are positive, those in blue are negative. The unmarked ones are words without obvious emotional connotation.This is a group effort. Thank you for your participation!
PPT课件 Howtodescribeyourpersonality?- 1 1.Describeyourpersonalityinafewwords 2.Letmeguessyourhoroscope - 2 Arise白羊 Taurus金牛 Gemini双子 Cancer巨蟹 Leo狮子 Virgo处女 Libra天秤 Scorpio天蝎 Sagittarius射手 Capricorn摩羯 Aquarius水瓶- Pisces双鱼3 - 4 - 5 - 6 Libra (Period:
【词汇】How to describe our personality? The following is a collection of words decribing personality. The words highlighted in yellow are positive, those in blue are negative. The unmarked ones are words without obvious emotional connotation.This is a group effort. Thank you for your participatio...
1.Describeyourpersonalityinafewwords2.Letmeguessyourhoroscope Arise白羊 Taurus金牛 Gemini双子 Cancer巨蟹 Leo狮子 Virgo处女 Libra天秤 Scorpio天蝎 Sagittarius射手 Capricorn摩羯 Aquarius水瓶 Pisces双鱼 Libra (Period:(Sep23-Oct22)Symbol:theScales *Aesthetic审美观 Typicalcharacteristics Sociable(好交际的)fair-...
How would you describe that person? What does that person look like?你会如何描述那个人呢?那个人长什么样?What kind of personality does this person have?Describing a person is useful in many situations, including speaking exams like the IELTS speaking test or the FCE speaking exam.这个人的个性...
Keep in mind that not everyone will have every trait, and that the intensity of each trait can vary from person to person. 4. Friendly ways to describe a persons personality They always go out of their way to be nice and helpful to others. For example, they might always say hello ...
We’re just very different people and we don’t seem to have much to talk about. 更长的描述 Talk about their appearance 谈论外表 Talk about their personality(+/-) 谈论个性 Talk about your relationship 谈论两者的关系 例一. My brother is quite tall and well-built. He has short, brown ...
WritingHowtodescribeaperson1WritingHowtodescribeapersoperson’sappearance外貌tallshortoverweightslimskinny(皮包骨的)mediumheight(中等身高) elegant(优雅的)good-lookingsmartlydressedwell dressedthinrosy(红润的)bald(秃顶的)wrinkled(有皱纹的)darkhairblonde(金发的)curlybony(瘦骨嶙峋)cutebrighteyemanly prettylovely...
Positive Personality Traits honest take responsibility for your actions adaptable适应性强的,随机应变的 compatible相容的,意趣相投的 consci'encious尽责的 <反> easy-going, disorderly e.g. The books and papers are in a disorderly state. 'affable= friendly, good-nature 和蔼可亲的 ...