1、how to introduce a person,writing,lets have a brainstorm! what words can we use when introducing somebody?,热心的 随和的 精力充沛 雄心的 有吸引力的 勤奋的 独立的 耐心的 有天赋的,warm hearted easy going energetic ambitious attractive/ charming hard-working/ diligent independent patient ...
人物写作 how to describe a person Howtointroduceaperson Let’shaveabrainstorm!Whatwordscanweuse whenintroducingsomebody?••••••••• 热心的随和的精力充沛雄心的有吸引力的勤奋的独立的耐心的有天赋的 ••••••••• warm–heartedeasy–goingenergeticambitiousattractive...
写作How to describe a person Writing Howtodescribeaperson 整理课件 1 tallshortbeautifuloverweight slimmediumheight(中等身高)good-lookingelegant(优雅的)skinny(皮包骨的)smartlydressedcutebrighteye person’sappearance外貌 manlypretty oneandahalfmetrestallthin rosy(红润的)lovely welldresseddarkhair wrinkled(...
C. Writing a poem seems difficult. D. It compares one thing to another in a surprising way. E. Write down whatever comes to mind and see where it takes you. F. You should always try to describe something using the five senses.G. You may replace it with a more unique phrase "Her ...
In this case, you’re writing a descriptive paragraph about a person. It’s important to use adjectives to describe the features or characteristics you want to focus on. One way to come up with ideas for a descriptive paragraph about a person is to go through the five senses. Use the ...
Examples of how to describe people succinctly Here are a few examples of character descriptions that are precise and impactful: Her hair had been long and wavy brown then, natural in curl and colour, as he liked it, and her face bashful and soft - a reflection less of the way she was ...
HowtoDescribeaPerson DescriptiveWriting:People Physicalappearancethewaytheydresstheircharacterandpersonalitytheirinterestsandthethingstheydosocialclassorfamilybackgroundimportantexperiences appearanceface eyenosemouth figurehair dress 1.VocabularyStudyAppearance •(1)脸型(face):•round圆的;...
写作How_to_describe_a_person Writing Howtodescribeaperson Introduction Basicsfordescribingaperson •Physicalappearance:face,facialexpressions,body,clothes•Personality:habit,interests,manners,tastes,actions•Focusononeortwoaspectsofaperson•Produceanoverallimpressionandyourfeelingabouttheperson(keywordinyourtopic...
英语24字整体教学法 Period Five Writing—How to describe a person 本单元的写作任务是对一个人物进行描述,人物描写主要是介绍某人的基本信息及其事迹。一般是介绍人物的童年、少年、青年、中年及老年的成长经历(包括生活、工作和学习),末尾一般总述人物的功绩成败,也可以在记叙成长经历的同时加入一些议论。即通过文字...