In physics, a wave is defined as the type of disturbance or oscillation that is traveling through space and which is used to transfer energy from one point to another point. Waves can be categorized into two different types and those are transverse ...
His work in optics led to the first reflecting telescope. And yet his most famous contribution came in the form of three relatively simple laws that could be used, with great predictive power, to describe the motion of objects on Earth and in the heavens. The first of these laws came ...
Body Motion and Physics: How elementary school students use gesture and action to make sense of the physical world . Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Tufts University, Medford, MA.Noble, T. (2007). Body Motion and Physics: How elementary school students use gesture and action to make sense ...
This is an open door to endless possibilities.When young students see physics in action, they become excited about the mathematics that explains it, and math is the recipe for something awe-inspiring.“These short clips are the spark that inspire,” Tatiana says with so much excitement it ...
You can measure magnetic fields using instruments like gauss meters, and you can describe and explain them using numerous equations. Here are some of the basics: Magnetic lines of force, or flux, are measured in Webers (Wb). In electromagnetic systems, the flux relates to the current. A fie...
consider it a miracle but we’d like to describe it as physics in action. Remember we mentioned earlier how motors and propellers work together. Well, they’re responsible for drones flying. The motors spin the propellers while the latter pushes against the air molecules to get the drone ...
Make a paper helicopter and explore motion in action. Build a mini hovercraft that hovers. Build a balloon powered car and see how far it can go. A good breeze and a few materials are all you need to tackle this DIY kite project. It’s a fun chemical reaction that makes this bottle ...
the product of mass and acceleration. Internal force can also be expressed in this manner, but is usually calculated in terms of how much energy the object expends to move itself. The unit used to describe energy depends on the system of measurement used and the type of object. Watts, jou...
Electron volts are a common unit of measurement in particle physics to describe the potential energy of the system and balance conservation of energy. We might talk about the rest mass or momentum of protons, neutrons, muons, pions, or electrons using electron volts. ...
You can describe all of the interactions between the object and reference beams, as well as the shapes of the interference fringes, using mathematical equations. This makes it possible to program a computer to print a pattern onto a holographic plate, creating a hologram of an object that doesn...