to many, makes a strong case for being the oddest of them all. In English grammar,mood(from a variant of the wordmode) is a category that shows when a verb is expressing fact (known as theindicativemood), command (imperativemood), or conditionality (subjunctivemood). For example, the in...
Essentially, the complete predicate is all the words in a sentence or clause except the subject and words that describe the subject. The little pig went to the market. Using the example above, “went” is the simple predicate, but the entire phrase “went to the market” is the ...
(Do I even have to say more? It's pretty obvious what my thought process is by now.) Tyranitar -Outrage -Rock Slide -Crunch -Earthquake Godzilla gets Outrage as an Egg Move. Perfect. Slap on Rock STAB, the edgy type STAB, and the natural disaster ...
And that Godzilla-like shriek you’re hearing is all of the adults reading this wishing someone had explained about reading the whole question to them when they were in school. “But Anne,” some of you ask, cradling your weary heads, “which of these two rules should I follow?...
She’ll continue in this vein as you gasp for air, frantically signaling that your tongue is swelling to Godzilla-like proportions. If you are fortunate enough to share a book club with someone who recognizes anaphylactic shock when she sees it, your friendly baker wil...
Gary, I don’t know why, but I like trying to describe situations and then apply it to other (often unexpected) things. I do it often with my daughter when we are talking or in poetry. I am not sure that many people like it. I just think it is amazing how certain words and desc...
We can say against it that trading is not only ability to develop trading rules (analyzing skills), but also ability to observe these rules (discipline). Besides, a theory that would exactly describe pricing on financial markets have not been yet created by now (I think it will never be ...
Godzilla42 Author User level: Level 1 12 points How to round corners on a text box in Apple Pages? I'm using Apple Pages on my MacBook Pro, running macOS Sonoma 14.5 and Apple Pages v14.1. I've recently started to use text boxes. Today I said, well, let's see what that looks...
adding only detail that the GM or players might need to play. Stop when you have described the parts of your setting that the player characters directly interact with. Unless going to the toilet is something the player characters will be asked to do a lot, do not describe it. World buildi...
InMen, Women and Chain Saws, Carol J. Clover coined “final girl” to describe the survivor of the group of teenagers the slasher kills and who has a final confrontation with the villain at the film’s climax. Clover’s final girl is morally superior and sexually pure, while her sexually...