The "time" here does not necessarily have to be a standard time word; it can also be an event or action, as we would say, in English, something like "from getting on the plane until arriving in China, I felt nervous." 这里的"时间"不一定要是标准的时间词语,也可以是一个事件或动作,就...
4.中国位于亚洲东部,是世界上最大的国家之一。China,(whichis)locatedintheeastofAsia,isoneofthelargestcountriesintheworld.1).Sp.hasapopulationof--- 2).Sp.isa---withapopulationof-- 3).Thepopulationofsp.hasgrownto-Exercises:1.广州是一座拥有约15_00万人口的城市。Guangzhouisacity__w_i_th__a_p_...
How to describe a place. Translation practice How to describe a place (用一句话翻译) 1. 北京,位于中国东北部,是中国的首都。 2. 北京,全市面积一万六千多平方公里,人口约1400万,是全国第二大城市。 3. 北京,历史悠久,是旅游胜地,有很多著名文化古迹,如紫禁城Forbidden City, 长城等。每年都吸引众多世界...
Buddhism is a religion that has played a role in influencing many of the good luck traditions of China. However, the teachings of the Buddha do not prescribe to the idea of good luck. According to BuddhaNet, for Buddhists the key to good fortune is realizing that “it is honesty, kindnes...
Sure, if you’ve ever done a Chinese language course, you’ve probably spent a considerable amount of time learning how to introduce yourself in Chinese. But if you were to meet a Chinese for the first time at this very moment, would you be prepared to speak about yourself in a natural...
Buddhism is a religion that has played a role in influencing many of the good luck traditions of China. However, the teachings of the Buddha do not prescribe to the idea of good luck. According to BuddhaNet, for Buddhists the key to good fortune is realizing that “it is honesty, kindnes...
China is a country that has been cultivated for thousands of years with a strong cultural background of its own. Undoubtedly, there are sets of rules for how to phrase things during aself-introduction in the Chinese language. “Introduction” in Chinese is 介绍 (jiè shào), and this article...
Other Words to Describe the Weather in Chinese 1. Hot 热 rè hot 2. Cold 冷 lěng cold 3. Cool 凉 liáng cool 4. Windy 刮风 guā fēng windy (of weather), literally “to blow-wind” 5. Degree 度 dù degree We hope you’ve learned a little bit more about China. To find out mor...