首发于胸部X-Ray学习 切换模式写文章 登录/注册How to Interpret a Chest X-Ray (Lesson 2 - A Systematic Method and Anatomy) 修仙 2 人赞同了该文章 目录 收起 A-Airways 气道 B-Bones 骨骼 C-Cardiac silhouette and mediastinum 心脏轮廓和纵隔 D-Diaphragm 肋膈和胸膜 E-Effusions(i.e., pleura...
首发于胸部X-Ray学习 切换模式写文章 登录/注册How to Interpret a Chest X-Ray (Lesson 1 - An Introduction) 修仙 1 人赞同了该文章 目录 收起 一.胸部X光片成像原理 二.胸部X光片成像视图(Views) 原课程地址:[Youtube],仅作为学习笔记,理解、术语可能存在有错误和偏差的情况。 lesson 1主要介绍一...
How to Interpret a Chest X-Ray (Lesson 9 - Atelectasis, Lines, Tubes, Devices, and Surgeries) 5人看过Moscow Surgery Club 已添加 2019 4月 8 A summary of how to identify atelectasis (including lobar collapse), identify various lines, tubes, and devices (including proper placement, and co....
在线看How to Interpret a Chest X-Ray (Lesson 2 -.. 10分钟 11秒。5 1月 2019的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 5 — 已浏览。 3 — 已评价。
How to look at a chest X-rayCHAPTER
11:41 how to read a chest X ray 上传者:免费三餐 17:32 cardiac solhouette and mediastinum 上传者:免费三餐 06:14 how to interpret musculoskeletal radiographs 上传者:免费三餐 11:46 interpreting X-rays of the knee joint 上传者:免费三餐 15:56 interpreting X-rays of the pelvis hip joint and...
How should we evaluate a solitary pulmonary nodule found on chest x-ray - KM () Citation Context ...(v.2004) do not consider SPN as such. Some centres opt for early explorative surgery, whereas others carry out various imaging and invasive tests first. The literature reflects this lack of...
However, the most effective supervised or SSL strategy for transferring models to different healthcare systems or novel tasks is not well understood. In this work, we systematically experiment with a variety of supervised and self-supervised pretraining strategies using multimodal datasets of medical ...
However, three years earlier in 1895, a scientist named Wilhelm Röntgen first discovered X-rays and the phenomenon of radioactivity (a term later coined by Curie, based on the Latin word for "ray"). Soon after Röntgen's discovery, a French scientist named Henri Becquerel attempted to ...
So, he had to be anesthetized with a tranquilizer dart gun, to be given a chest x-ray and health exam. When Sally approached the cages with the dart gun, an enormous uproar rose among the chimps. According to Sally, it was the standard panicked response, because the chimps knew that ...