For example, if a character is a famous spy, you might focus on their ability to blend into the crowd, highlighting features that allow them to easily change their appearance. Use Sensory Details Don't just rely on sight to describe your character. Incorporate other sense...
Descriptive Adjectives: The Secret to Stunning English Writing and Speech Mastering Proper Adjectives: A Guide to Using These Precise and Specific Words in English How to Describe People in English: Appearance, Character Traits and Emotions Common Opposites of Adjectives in English English Grammar...
How to describe a person Howtodescribeaperson Whataspectsshouldbeincluded?1.概况:age,sex,birth,familybackground2.外貌/性格:appearance,character/personality3.教育:education4.理想及成就:ambitionsandachievements5.评价:evaluation(whatcanyoulearnfromhim/her)1.概况:age,sex,birth,familybackground 钟南山...
Instead of 'Her face held an amused expression' think of what makes a face have this appearance and try to describe the visual elements of this amusement. You could describe a slight smile that seems to teeter on the edge of a loud cackle or a single-sided smile, a curled lip that cou...
1、How to Describe A Person1. Physical appearance: face, facial expressions, body, clothes2. Personality: habit, interests, manners, tastes, actions Top to bottom / bottom to top Front to back / back to front Right to left / left to rightjaw- Facial AppearanceFaceEyesEyebrowsEyelashesEyelid...
英语作文-how-to-describe-a-person Howtodescribeaperson (人物描写)Objectives(学习目标):1.Tolearnsomeusefulwords、phrasesandstepsforcharacterintroduction.(学会一些介绍人物的词、短语和步骤)2.Beabletowriteashortpassage.(能够灵活运用所学写一篇短文)EnjoyStaepp2a:sinstargoeduacnedJakynCowhomuorea人b物ou简t...
writingHowtodescribeaperson深圳市第二实验学校陈志TaskoneTaskOne:GroupWork Whataspectsshouldwedescribewhenweareintroducingaperson?Andwhatistherightorder?( )教育:education( )外貌/性格appearance,character( )生平bigeventsinhisorherlife(inorderoftime)( )评估evaluation( )概况age,sex,birth-place,background12345...
《幼儿教师英语口语》课件--第4单元:How to describe one´s character 热度: 1 Wordsandexpressionsabout appearancedescription ---byPengQian&YangHui& HuangXiaojuan 2 Whatdotheylooklike??? 3 Howtodescribesomeone’s appearance Appearance Physique(Build)Face Impressive...
To describe a person’s appearance in English, you can use adjectives to describe their physical characteristics such as their height, weight, hair color, and facial features. It is important to be respectful and not to use language that could be considered offensive when describing a person’s...
It's the opposite of "dark", and you can use it to describe someone's hair or skin. Finally, what else can you say about the person's appearance?它是 "dark" 的反义词,可以用它来描述某人的头发或皮肤。最后,关于那个人的外貌你还能说些什么呢?Imagine you're describing the person to me,...