1、How to Describe A Person1. Physical appearance: face, facial expressions, body, clothes2. Personality: habit, interests, manners, tastes, actions Top to bottom / bottom to top Front to back / back to front Right to left / left to rightjaw- Facial AppearanceFaceEyesEyebrowsEyelashesEyelid...
eyes:small/bigeyes,笑眼smilingeyes 明亮的眼睛 bright/shining横漲錁聪呒椏鋟胧靚碜额铢酝顢怅。 eyes 圆圆的眼睛roundeyes 水汪汪的眼睛wateryeyes face:alongface,aroundface,asmilingface athinface,方脸a 茑蠼訃缭絆頜颅娈驟熱撑嬈纬红簖。 squareface ...
HowtodescribefeelingsEgonova The2023TaizhouSeniorHighSchoolEntranceExaminationisonlyaway29days2023.6.15 brainstormWhen___,Ifelt___.Method1:UseadjectivesPositiveNegativenervousuncomfortableangryunhappyworriedawfuluneasycomfortablehappyrelaxedAdvancedvocabularyaboutfeelingsback-breakingear-splittingeye-poppinggut-wrenching...
Ever found yourself struggling to perfectly capture the essence of something that's been beautifully adorned with color? We've all been there, fumbling for the right words to describe that freshly painted wall, that vibrant masterpiece, or even that perfectly lacquered piece ...
describeaperson.Celebrity Celebrity Appearance:gorgeousBuild:slenderHair:blacklongandstraightDress:apurpleskirt 1.VocabularyStudy-appearance •(1)Face:roundface圆脸squareface方脸highcheekbones高颧骨 average/plain/commonlooking长相一般 goodlooking长得好看ahaggardface瘦削的plumpcheeks,chubbycheeks胖乎乎的脸蛋gorgeous...
How can I describe you with your bright winning eyes?When you look at me,I can feel occasional murmur of a stream in my dry heart.Mysterious blue butterfly around me,Like a romantic encounter in the Middle Ages.Stop for you, write poems for you,pity that you can't stay longer.When ...
As a rule of thumb, using positive adjectives to describe a person typically steers the conversation in a better direction. If you’d like to see some more ways to describe people in a positive way, check outthe ultimate list of positive adjectives!
写作How to describe a person Writing Howtodescribeaperson 整理课件 1 tallshortbeautifuloverweight slimmediumheight(中等身高)good-lookingelegant(优雅的)skinny(皮包骨的)smartlydressedcutebrighteye person’sappearance外貌 manlypretty oneandahalfmetrestallthin rosy(红润的)lovely welldresseddarkhair wrinkled(...
Como você diz isto? O que significa isso? Qual é a diferença? Me mostre frases de exemplo com ~~. Pergunte outra coisa Resolva seus problemas de forma mais fácil com o app! ( 30.698 ) Encontre a resposta que você procura dente as mais de 45 milhões de respostas registradas...
How_to_Describe_A_Person要点.ppt,Practice Describe the people in the pictures He has short black hair, sparkling brown eyes and a broad friendly smile. He is wearing a dark suit and a tie. He looks like an intelligent, competent man. Practice Describe th