An insurer may try to ask you questions about who bears the fault for the accident. Do not answer them. You are only required to describe the facts from your point of view. Avoid making assumptions about what caused the crash or whether you contributed to it at all. Even if you believe...
Maybe it's a big deal, maybe it's small, but either way, you want to describe it in English. It can be tricky, though! There's more to it than just saying "something happened." You need to make sure you're using the right words to paint a clear picture ...
Instructions on how to write an argumentative essay, including how to craft an enticing introduction, write a thesis statement, and outline your essay.
Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma – anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to i...
Not following chronology. You should describe every stage in accordance with time and appliance. Check your essay a few times before the delivery to make sure that every stage is logically placed in the text; Using difficult terms and complicated language. Knowing the subject perfectly may make ...
We usually respond in 5 minutes. Name * Email * Phone * City where the injury happened * Date of the injury Describe the injury and how it happened Please attach medical records, pictures, and any documents related to the injury. By checking this box and clicking the “Submit” button ...
1.Whenashortpartofastorygoesbacktoeventsinthepast:2.whensometimestheflashbacksandthepresentalternate(交替出现)throughthestory3.usuallyorganizedintheorderinwhichincidentsactuallyoccurred.AnOutlineforNarrationWriting I.IntroductionEstablishestheplot(setting,characters,andtimeperiod)II.BodyFirstmajorevent...
Describe a scenario. Write a conversation. Tell a story. Put forth a question your essay will answer. Give an example. Explain general information about the topic. Using a Frame for Your Introduction and Conclusion One of my favorite techniques is to use a “frame” story or conversation for...
a. an interesting beginning to catch the reader’s attention and make him / her want to go on reading your story. b. Good development in the main body to develop your story you should use appropriate tenses, especially past ones, e.g. Past Simple to describe the main events, past conti...
There are three articles: "a," "an" and "the." Articles are often found in front of nouns, such as "the cat." Adverbs describe a verb, adjective or another adverb. Adverbs often end in "ly," but not always. Some examples of adverbs are "slowly," "very" and "really." Pronouns ...