In this lesson, you'll learn how to describe a person in detail using clear, natural English.During this lesson, you're going to practice, so you need to think of someone you're going to describe.在这节课上,你会学到如何用清楚自然的英语详细地描述一个人。上课期间你要进行练习,所以需要...
How to describe a person 关键词汇 一、 外貌长相相关词汇 五官特征 长睫毛 Long lashes 朝天鼻 An upturned nose 反颔 An underbite 大眼睛 Puppy-dog eyes 蒜头鼻 A honker 双下巴 A double chin 小眼睛 Small eyes 鹰勾鼻 A hooked nose 五官明显 Strong features 无神的眼睛 Lifeless eyes 大鼻孔 Big...
writing,how to describe a person,persons appearance 外貌,tall,short,overweight,slim,skinny皮包骨的,medium height中等身高,elegant优雅
写作How to describe a person Writing Howtodescribeaperson 整理课件 1 tallshortbeautifuloverweight slimmediumheight(中等身高)good-lookingelegant(优雅的)skinny(皮包骨的)smartlydressedcutebrighteye person’sappearance外貌 manlypretty oneandahalfmetrestallthin rosy(红润的)lovely welldresseddarkhair wrinkled(...
How to Describe a Person HowtoDescribeaPerson Appearance short(矮的)short(矮的)tall(高挑的)tall(高挑的)不高不矮的mediumheight苗条的slim丰满的plumpdiminutive[di'minjutiv]娇小的(形容女子)娇小的(形容女子)graceful/elegant优雅的Huge虎背熊腰muscular[‘mʌskjulə](强[‘mʌ壮的)壮的...
Strong Weak Slim Short Tall Fat Thin Lanky Overweight Obese Stout Stocky Big-boned Curvy Slender Petite Plain Example Sentences Here are a few example phrases to describe a person in English: We look very ___. He/She is very ___. I think ...
写作How_to_describe_a_person分析 Introduction Basics for describing a person Physical appearance: face, facial expressions, body, clothes Personality: habit, interests, manners, tastes, actions Focus on one or two aspects of a person Produce an overall impression and your feeling about the person ...
How to describe a person vividly: 1. Start with a character profile or pin board. 2. Focus on details that reveal personality. 3. Practice ...
How to describe a person(简化版)LOGO Writing LOGO Howtodescribeaperson? AfamousR&BsingerBornonthe18thofJanuary,1979inTaiwan,hewasraisedbyhismotherandwasshyandquietduringhischildhood.Showinginterestinmusic,hebeganlearningtoplaythepianoattheageof3.WhenhisfirstalbumnamedJaywasreleasedin...
how_to_describe_a_person_in_english Howtodescribeaperson Opening Whenwewanttodescribeaperson,we havetodescribehim/herfromtwoaspects,appearanceandpersonality.However,becauseoflackofvocabulary,wecannot giveavividpicture.Solet’slearnhowto describeaperson.Celebrity Celebrity Appearance:gorgeousBuild:slenderHair:...