youtube, 视频播放量 290、弹幕量 0、点赞数 11、投硬币枚数 1、收藏人数 12、转发人数 7, 视频作者 小鱼丸Jack, 作者简介 ,相关视频:能听懂这段英文,说明你真的很厉害哦,最难英文翻译:你妹!,10秒钟记住一个单词 cuke 黄瓜,10秒钟记住一个单词 olive 橄榄,星期之歌D
4. how to describe a picture 视频加载失败,请刷新页面再试 刷新 【特别声明】本公号部分文章、图片、音视频来源于网络,版权归版权所有人所有,转载是出于传递信息之目的,并不表示赞同其观点或证实其真实性。本公号尊重知识产权,如无意中侵犯了您的权益,或...
口语10How to Describe a Picture 同文微课 2023-07-16 07:00 发表于湖南 请在微信客户端打开 展开 一个由牛津大学的毕业生们创建的英语学习网站——“牛津英语在线”( Oxford English On line ),它致力于帮助外国人学习纯正的英语。这套视频教授英语口语、语法,...
小学英语 HOW TO DESCRIBE A PICTURE (SCENERY)First,wesaywhattypeofsceneryisinthepicture.Forexample:“Thisisapictureof…“Inthepicturewecansee…Thepictureshows……abeautifulbeach”…abigmountain”…thesavannah”…thejungle”Andifyoucan’tdefinetheplace,youcanalwayssaysomethinglike:“Inthe...
Natalie: That s not fair. A reduction in defense spending in peacetime may bring us excessive risks. We can t afford it. Which of the following is the best interpretation of Natalie s argument? A. Funds saved from defense have been diverted to all levels of education. ...
Unless you’re explicitly asked toinclude your photographin the job ad, use a professional-looking picture, but not as official as an ID photo. 5. Make your CV brief and relevant. Don’t include every single detail of your work experience and education. Stick only to the facts that are ...
For instance, if your topic is about your trip to Paris, and you decide to talk about the delicious French stew you took, don’t just write, “the stew was delicious.” Go into details to help the reader create a picture. For instance, you could write something like, “The soup stew...
00:00/00:00 如何做好英文版看图说话 How to Describe a Picture in English 勤奋的足球2020.09.29 00:00 +1 首赞 如何做好英文版看图说话 How to Describe a Picture in English…
How to describe a picture 作者: mariemorvan 分类: 语法表达 配对1 配对2 配对3 填充 读默 AT the top AT the bottom IN the top right-hand corner IN the bottom left-hand corner IN the background IN the middle IN the foreground ON the right ON the left...
In the background, the server continues to send a steady stream of packets to your device just ahead of what's being displayed. If your network speed slows down, then the packets may not reach you in time. The picture you see might become distorted or blocky and there...